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Home workout challenge

30 fat burning home workout challenge – Day 14

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Banish the lazy Sunday vibes with Day 14 of Svava Sigbertsdottir’s 30 day fat-burning home workout challenge. Let’s get it done

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Time to get those water bottles out again.

Expect more lunges, squats and reverse lunges to continue activating your core and glutes. Is it getting any easier?

The Downward dog move helps you to stretch your muscles but also keeps your core engaged so you’re guaranteed to feel a good burn which is what you want (maybe not quite, but the pain is definitely worth it).

Make sure you curve your back when it comes to the Russian twists in Move 5. It’s all about how much your body can do but then gradually challenge yourself to work your core harder.

All it takes is small steps to reach your ultimate body goal. The benefits will show – as they say work hard, play later.

So let’s get moving. You got this!

The Workout:

10 minutes, five moves, two sets.

Perform each of the five moves for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds rest.

  • Move #1 Reverse lunge with tricep extension
  • Move #2 Squat to reverse lunge to jump squat
  • Move #3 Downward dog walk out to plank with arm raises
  • Move #4 Squat into twist and punches with water bottles
  • Move #5 Russian twists with water bottles


More From This 30 Day Challenge:

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Two

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Three

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Four

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Five

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge  – Day Six

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Seven

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Eight

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Nine

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Ten

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 11

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 12

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 13

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 15

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 16

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 17

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 18

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 19

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 20

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 21

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 22

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 23

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 24

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 25

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 26

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 27

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 28

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 29

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 30

Svava Viking Method Book Cover

Svava’s book The Viking Method is available buy on Amazon in the US and in the UK.

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