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3 short workouts for weight loss

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Ever wondered what type of exercise is best for torching calories and losing weight? Here are three workouts that are guaranteed to help you lose weight, modeled by our latest body transformation legend Dina HInar, who has lost over a stone in seven weeks 

Have you been following Dina’s 12 week body transformation?

Well, if you have you’ll know that she has now lost 16 and a half pounds in just seven weeks – impressive right?

Although there is far more to weight loss than exercise alone, I’m, talking nutrition, lifestyle habits, genetic, sleep – you get the picture – we wanted to share the exact type of exercises Dina has been doing during this transformation, in the hope that you will feel motivated to try these exercises for yourself.

From full body fat loss workouts to the high intensity cardio session that you simply have to try, here are three workouts for weight loss…

Workout #1 – full body fat loss circuit

Exercise breakdown:

Six different exercises, 45 seconds each exercise with 15 seconds rest between each exercise. This is done four times with a two minute rest at the end of each set of six moves.

  • Single arm dumbell row 45, seconds. Rest, 15 seconds / Alternate side, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Kettlebell deadlifts, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Dumbbell bench press, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Mountain climbers, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Plank, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Running on the spot, 45 seconds. Rest, 2 minutes.

Repeat 3 more times.

Workout #2 – fat burning cardio

Exercise breakdown:

The cardio workout is split into three sections: Intervals, lactic acid removal phase, followed by a repeat of the intervals. Here’s more detail:

1. A five minute warm up

2. 10 intervals of 20 second sprinting at 100 per cent intensity (that’s pushing as hard as you possibly can for 15 seconds), followed then by 40 seconds of resting. This can be done on any of the cardio equipment such as a treadmill, cross-trainer, bike, rower and more.

3.10 minute ‘lactic acid removal phase’ – a workout on the same or different cardio machine at a consistent pace but to the maximum intensity you can possibly manage. This means you should not be able to hold a conversation, you should be sweaty and out of breath, yet able to sustain the exercise for the required length of time (ten minutes).

4. 10 minutes of the first intervals again – ten x 20 seconds again, same as the first round. You can also combine equipment rather than performing the entire workout on just one machine – mix things up a bit.

Cardio Concept:

Number of Intervals Sprints Rest
10 20 sec 40 sec
Lactic Acid Removal Phase – 12 minutes
10 20 sec 40 sec
Total Workout Time – 32 minutes

Workout #3 – full body fat loss circuit

Exercise breakdown:

Six different exercises, 45 seconds each exercise with 15 seconds rest between each exercise. This is done four times.

  • Squat jumps 45, seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Push ups, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Kettlebell deadlifts, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Mountain climbers, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Alternating lunges, 45 seconds. Rest, 15 seconds,
  • Sit ups, 45 seconds. Rest, 3 minutes.

Repeat 3 more times.

Come back every week to read Dina’s week by week diary of her weight loss transformation with Terry and Luisa from Your Body Programme, with tips and advice from the experts. 

Luisa and Terry

Your Body Programme was founded by Terry Fairclough and Luisa Valenti.

The idea came about after Terry and Luisa saw other personal trainers regularly offering the same generic plan to every client, regardless of gender, goal or body type.

Terry and Luisa are passionate about the need to train everyone as an individual to achieve maximum results, and therefore don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach.

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