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Home workout challenge

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 21

svava-MAIN home workout challenge home workout challenge home workout challenge home workout challenge

Back with your bottles and grab a tea towel too, let’s get Day 21 of our 30 day fat-burning home workout challenge under way with Svava Sigbertsdottir

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Tea towel you ask? Yep it’s as easy as that. Grab a tea towel, fold it over, place it on the floor and get started.

It’s your DIY alternative to a very low standing bench or …. which you can jump over and challenge yourself with walking planks and side jumps.

It’s getting a bit more fast paced (not to scare you or anything) but all for a good cause, which is to get that super toned core and body of course.

The Workout:

10 minutes, five moves, two sets.

Perform each of the five moves for 40 seconds, followed by 20 seconds rest.

  • Move #1 Side jump into walk in and out plank
  • Move #2 Squat with extended arms in shoulder press
  • Move #3 Side jump into burpee
  • Move #4 Squat into knee raise and torso twist
  • Move #5 Lean back kneeling with circular rotations with water bottle

Repeat once more. 

More From This 30 Day Challenge:

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Two

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Three

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Four

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Five

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge  – Day Six

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Seven

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Eight

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Nine

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day Ten

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 11

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 12

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 13

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 14

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 15

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 16

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 17

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 18

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 19

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 20

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 21

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 22

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 23

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 24

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 25

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 26

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 27

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 28

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge – Day 29

30 day fat-burning home workout challenge- Day 30

Svava Viking Method Book Cover

Svava’s book The Viking Method is available buy on Amazon in the US and in the UK.

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