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How to do hand reflexology for blocked sinuses and cold


Healthista’s NEW wellness video series brings you self massage reflexology by reflexologist Michele Stevens, with a video every week showing you how to do these self massage sequences. First in the series is a hand reflexology for blocked sinuses and cold 

Did you know that any tension in your feet, your hands and your face could affect what’s going on in other areas of your body? Your body is made up of bone, tissues, nerves, tendons, muscles and nerve endings are found all over the body.

Whether it be aches and pains, built up tension or even sleeping problems, reflexologist Michele Stevens will guide you through self massage techniques to tackle some of the most frequent issues we all struggle with.

What is reflexology?

Reflexology is more than just a foot/hand or face massage – Michele calls reflexology the reboot button for the body – similar to turning the computer on & off – it allows you the time and space to let the body heal and relax.

The human body is a wonderful machine that will heal itself if given the time and space and help to do so.

Reflexology is an ancient therapy that has been practised for over 5000 years. It is a non-intrusive complimentary therapy that is based on the theory that different points on the feet, face and hands correspond with different areas of the body and that working on these reflex points stimulates the nervous system and opens the energy pathways that may be blocked or congested.

Helping to aid with relaxation and reducing the negative effects of stress on the body, helping to improve overall wellbeing.


Hand reflexology – blocked sinuses and cold sequence

  1. Head reflex – Using the thumb of the other hand work this area at least 3 times – working this point will help calm the mind and clears the head.

2. Pituitary – Using the thumb of the other hand press and circle this point for a few seconds. The pituitary gland is found at the base of the brain and is often referred to as the “master gland” of the body. This gland produces many hormones and is responsible for releasing hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands, the thyroid glands, the ovaries and testes.

3. Ear/eye area – Found at the base of your fingers, using the thumb of the other hand work from underneath the index finger towards the little finger and back again, do this a few times. Working this point will help ease pain and tension behind the eyes and in the ears.

4. Sinus – Using your fingers or thumb of the other hand, move up and down the fingers from the base of the fingers to the tips and back. Working this point will help relieve congestion in the sinus. Do this a few times.

5. Lymphatics – working on the back of the hand, use the thumb or fingers of your other hand to work in between the fingers to work the lymphatic area. Do this a few times.

With all the reflexology points, whether to the Hands, Feet or Face drink plenty of water to aid with the removal of toxins and to help stay hydrated. Used on a regular basis, reflexology will help you to feel better from the inside out.

For more about Michele and to book an appointment, visit Wellness by Michele Holistic Therapies here

Michele Stevens is fully qualified and a member of the Association of Reflexologists and Registered with Complimentary & Natural HealthCare Council (CNHC) fro Reflexology. I am a Colour Mirror Practitioner.

When you have treatments with me, you will feel safe and nurtured and know that I put you and your interests at the heart of my treatments; and it’s wonderful to know that for that time, no one can disturb you for anything.


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