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Yoga and meditation

Got insomnia? This calming yoga routine will help you sleep

Main Image, Sarah Malcolm, 30 Day Yoga Challenge by Healthista

If you have insomnia, try this 30-minute calming yoga routine from Sarah Malcolm to help relieve anxiety and tension in the body before bed – the third video in our vinyasa flow series

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Welcome to the third video of Healthista’s second yoga challenge, with leading London yoga teacher Sarah Malcolm (@sarahmalcs), where you learn a new 30-minute yoga sequence each week for three weeks.

If you’re new to yoga, click here to go to day one of our 30 day yoga challenge where Sarah taught an in-depth beginner pose each day.

The next level of our yoga challenge – Vinyasa flow

This month-long yoga challenge introduces a new Vinyasa flow routine for beginners each week. In each of the three 30-minute videos, you will build your endurance and develop the skills to become a true yogi.

Vinyasa flow is a sequence of yoga poses that are linked through continuous motions. As you flow through each posture, the breath is synchronized with the body movements.

Yoga is a meditation that anyone can do. You don’t need a specific body type to master the practice, you just need the right skills – and you don’t need to be bendy to do it, that’s a myth we’d like to dispel. Just do the moves and you’ll feel the magic.

This video in our series focuses on improving your sleep and stretching your hips.

Sarah-Malcolm-headshot-278x300Vinyasa flow routine for sleep

This 30 minute vinyasa flow routine will help you sleep by calming the body before bed.

‘This routine is perfect if you need a little wind-down if you’re feeling stressed or anxious about something,’ Sarah says.

‘Or if you want a little movement before bed to calm the body and calm the breath.’

The routine also includes a sequence of hip stretches that will help relieve stress built up during the day.

Follow Sarah on Instagram @sarahmalcs

In our video series, Sarah is dressed by lululemon

Click here to start Sarah’s 30 day beginner yoga challenge from day one.

Our Vinyasa flow series:

Vinyasa flow – Week one – Energising Morning Flow

Vinyasa flow – Week two – Chest Opener

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