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Home fitness video special: HIIT workouts to do in your living room


Healthista is back with more fat burning HIIT home workouts with celebrity personal trainer Holly Davidson, designed for both beginner and advanced levels 

Healthista’s fat burning workouts have returned just in time before we book our beach holidays this summer (phew).

Personal Trainer Holly Davidson has created two 20-minute HIIT workouts to give both beginners and advanced levels a challenge.

These workouts focus on full body movements that will raise your heart rate, create an all over burn and no equipment is needed so you can do this workout in the comfort of your own home.

Each workout provides a warm up and stretching cool down to avoid injury and fasten recovery.

20-Minute home workout: HIIT for beginners

Warm up – 30 seconds of each move

  1. Knees to chest

2. Wide pliets (add in twist after 15 seconds)

3. Walk outs

4. Curtsey lunge

Workout – Part one – 30 seconds of work 15 seconds rest 

  1. Squat to sofa

2.Plank reach to sofa

3. Squat to sofa and jump

Repeat once more 

Part two

  1. Downward dog to lunge (hands stay on floor)

2. Alternating backward lunge

3. Kneel to stand ups

Repeat once more

Part three

  1. Squat to front kick

2. ISO hold

3. Back extension straight arm pulse

Repeat once more

Part four

  1. Plank toe taps

2. Back extension arms at 90

3. Dead bug

Repeat once more

Stretching cool down

20-Minute home workout: HIIT for advanced

Warm up – 30 seconds of each move

  1. Alternating lunge

2. Catcher squat

3. Walkout plan rotation

4. Cossack lunge

Workout – 45 seconds of work 15 seconds rest 

  1. 2 x squat, 4 x mountain climbers

2. Walk out lunge jump switch

3. Yoga leg scissor

4. Reverse curl straight to jump back flat burpee

5. Plank push to spiderman

6. 2 x pliets, 5 x pliet jumps

7. Bear crawl

8. Skydive to 2 point plank

9. Narrow to wide jump squats

10.Dive bomber to downward dog

11. Side plank leg raise – left side

12. Side plank leg raise – right side

13. Plank pendulum

Stretching cool down

Holly Davidson is a black belt kick boxer, yogi and vegetarian who is passionate in all areas of fitness and nutrition. With over 10 years experience as a personal trainer she has transformed the lives of hundreds of people. She has worked with Kate Moss, Florence Welch, Nick Grimshaw, Sienna Guillory.Author of two health and Fitness books; Nourish and Active, Holly lives and breaths fitness and wants to pass on her knowledge to each person she trains.


Pre-order Holly’s new book ‘Active: Workouts that work for you’ for 17th May

Read More:

5 minute warm up for an upper body workout

The 5-minute running warm-up to keep injuries at bay

10-minute yoga for climbers

HIIT challenge – legs and upper body



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