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10-minute yoga for weightlifting to help release neck, shoulders and wrist tension

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In this week’s ‘Yoga For…’ series, yoga expert Jessica Stewart, demonstrates a yoga for weightlifters sequence to release the neck, shoulders and wrists to help lower the risk of injury 

Welcome back to our ‘Yoga for..’ series. This week we have partnered with expert Jessica Stewart, yoga teacher at 3tribes.

In this 10-minute yoga for weightlifting sequence, Jessica brings concentrated essential moves to perform pre-workout and can also be done after (or both). These movements work on releasing the neck, shoulders and wrists which are major joints used in weightlifting and also most commonly injured. Let us know what you think on Twitter and Facebook.



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Jess bio pic

Jessica Stewart is a senior yoga teacher at Yogacentic and 3 Tribes, runs the Centric 200 hour Yoga training and yoga retreats worldwide. Jessica trained with tribe yoga in India, in tantra and ashtanga vinyasa yoga disciplines, and has since advanced trainings in anatomy with Tiffany Cruikshank. Jess’ teaching fuses yoga’s traditional lineage and modern anatomical awareness. Jess is known in London for strong vinyasa classes, yang yin and candlelit yin yoga classes that energise and de-stress.

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