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The dos and don’ts of working out in a heatwave

The dos and don'ts of working out in a heatwave MAIN

Is it safe to work-out during a heatwave? How can we make it bearable? F45 trainer reveals the dos and don’ts of working out when the weather heats up 

At last, it seems as though summer has finally arrived and looking like it’s here to stay.

Despite how much we long for the warmer weather, the heat can often get the better of us, especially when trying to stay fit in a country that is not equipped for hot weather.

physical activity in the heat can be dangerous

Despite our love for the sunnier weather, physical activity in the heat can be dangerous. It can put the body under an increased level of stress and lead to heat-related illnesses including heat cramps, heat stroke and dehydration.

But fear not Healthistas, we caught up with Jamie Barnard, trainer at F45 Maida Vale, who tells us the dos and don’ts of working out in a heat wave…

DO: drink, drink, drink

Hydration is important no matter what conditions you are exercising in, but it’s particularly crucial when working out in the heat.

The reason for this is because you sweat more when the temperature rises, so drinking water helps to replenish the fluids lost by excessive sweating.

If you do not drink enough water, you may become dehydrated, and the combination of hot temperatures and dehydration can make you seriously ill – not to mention the killer headaches you’ll suffer.

DON’T: overdo it

Exercising in hot weather can put extra strain on your body, so it’s important to know your limits and listen to your body.

If you are relatively new to exercise or coming back after a hiatus, you should adapt your exercise to moderate-intensity if you are working out in the heat, to reduce the risk.

it’s important to know your limits

If at any point you feel lightheaded, it’s best to stop or reduce the intensity until you feel better.

DO: check the weather before heading out

Working out during the warmer months can take a little more preparation. You should pay extra attention to the weather forecast and avoid working out during the hottest periods of the day – which tends to be around midday.

ideal time would either be in the mornings or early evenings

The ideal time would either be in the mornings or early evenings when the temperature is a bit more bearable and less dangerous.

If this is not an option, you should find a shaded area to exercise or visit a fitness studio where they have air conditioning, such as F45 Training.

DON’T: forget to put on sunscreen

This is one of the important things that you must do when working out in the heat. Often, people do not realise how hot it really is before it’s too late.

You must put sunscreen on before heading outdoors to exercise, and try to do it with at least 30 minutes to spare so your body has time to absorb it without sweating it straight off.

DO: wear the right gear

Opt for breathable, lightweight and loose fitting attire that permits sweat to evaporate, so that you can cool down effectively.

try to wear light colours

You should also try to wear a hat of some sort to keep you protected and try to wear light colours to avoid absorbing extra heat.

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