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REVIEWED: Barre Pilates – the seriously tough routine that gets you a toned and sexy body in the least amount of time. Sign us up.

Want to get everything toned and sexy in the least amount of time? Barre Pilates is just what you need. Combining choreography, barre and floor work with resistance training, Isabella Sullivan tried it out. 

On a sunny Friday morning I made my way to the gorgeous Heartcore Chelsea studio. Tucked away from the madness of rush hour it is the perfect escape for any Healthista woman. Operating out of seven locations around London, Heartcore fitness runs cycle, kettle bell, barre, Pilates and TRX classes. I tried out Barrecore and was lucky enough to make it into the class. It’s very high demand so make sure you book early, within five minutes of being there you can see why.

Barre Pilates is the most efficient way to get you as toned as possible in the shortest amount of time

Barre Pilates is the most efficient way to get you as toned as possible in the shortest amount of time and is designed to push you above and beyond. Working on a ballet barre and also on the floor, the class incorporates weights and exercise balls to give a ‘natural corset effect’ around the core, making you ‘sexy, long, lean and zipped in’, say the instructors. The Chelsea studio is also gorgeous, all light and airy, peaceful and calming.

barre pilates group, barre pilates
Calling all Londoners. Heartcore Barre operates in 7 locations so you’ll never be too far from a class

Using isolated micro-movements, Barre Pilates makes you work muscles you didn’t even know you could work.  I do an arm workout most days and even I woke up with my muscles aching in places they’ve never ached before. We focused on each section individually, with legs, arms, glutes, stomach all being covered, so you can be sure you’ll be super lean and tight in every place.  Just looking at the super fit barre bodylicious instructor is enough to keep you on track.

The class was fast and fun, and all set to fast energising catchy music so you’re constantly feeling motivated. The work on the barre is particularly challenging (I had to take a lot of breaks) but works you harder than I’ve ever been worked at an exercise class before. The 55 minutes literally flies by.

there are psychological benefits such as the reversing of age related muscle loss, increased flexibility and improved alignment and posture

You really do feel the burn and I finished the class dripping in sweat and feeling amazing. As well as all the benefits to your body and looks it’s also reported that there are other benefits such as the reversing of age related muscle loss, increased flexibility and improved alignment and posture.

If I could recommend one Pilates class it would definitely be barre. They even give you one free trial when you sign up online so there really is no excuse not to try it. It may be wishful thinking but I even think my butt looked firmer the next morning…

Heartcore classes start from £17.50 and packages are available to buy in bulk.


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