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6 life lessons from fitness influencer Bradley Simmonds

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Fitness influencer and business owner Bradley Simmonds reveals his 6 key life lessons in a recent Take Flight podcast with Mark Whittle. Here’s what Healthista learnt from listening to the podcast

Starting any career can be daunting prospect.

Nobody knows quite where to begin and there isn’t a how to, step by step guide to becoming a success.

What we can do though, is learn from those who have been there and done it themselves.

Bradley Simmonds is a fitness influencer and successful business owner

Purpose, performance and lifestyle coach Mark Whittle, was keen to speak to fitness sensation Bradley Simmonds about his top life lessons in his recent podcast Take Flight.

Bradley Simmonds is a fitness influencer and successful business owner who has trained celebrities such as John Terry, Jamie Redknapp, Maya Jama and Niall Horan, to name a few.

Not only has Simmonds grown his personal training career, he has also created his own fitness platform called Get It Done.

He started off his career as a professional footballer and was signed to Chelsea at the age of seven, but a detrimental injury changed everything.

Simmonds learnt to grow from his experience and took what he learnt from football and put it into kick starting (excuse the pun) a new career in personal training and starting his own business.

Bradley appeared in Mark Whittle’s recent Take Flight Podcast and revealed the five life lessons he has learnt from his career so far.

#1 Experience is everything

Having not been to university, Bradley Simmonds believes that experience is everything.

‘What someone with loads of degrees can’t buy is having that understanding and social aspect of talking to a footballer,’ says Simmonds.

Bradley believes it’s his sociability that has led him to be successful at a young age. He wasn’t learning from a textbook, instead he was putting himself out there and understanding how to actually do it, which is why at just 21-years-old, Simmonds was training footballer Theo Walcott.

#2 Don’t be afraid of failure

The majority of us are afraid of failure and we struggle to push ourselves out of our comfort zones, but  Bradley is someone who isn’t afraid of failure.

what’s the worse scenario? You’ll fail but you can go again

Before something intimidating Simmonds asks himself ‘what’s the worse-case scenario? You’ll fail but you can always go again. Even if your not ready just give it your best shot’.

We all know this is easier said than done.

Bradley admits that before an interview with Sky News, he was terrified. He had never done a live interview before but did it even though his ‘heart sunk’ and despite feeling completely terrified, it ended up going really well.

‘It’s important to not be afraid of failure as some of the best things come out of ‘pushing yourself’ and ‘coming out of [your] comfort zone’.

life lessons from bradley simmonds failure

#3 Health is important to your work productivity

According to Simmonds, in order to be successful you have to sacrifice your party life, because health affects everything – lifestyle, work and productivity.

Simmonds describes how he used to try to find his ‘buzz’ through alcohol, but what you actually need to do is pick and choose your moments wisely of when it’s a good idea to let loose and have a good time.

This is especially true if you are self-employed, as being self-employed ‘comes with perks but also stresses,’ such as, the fact you have no set income and it is your responsibility to work hard and make the money.

life lessons bradley simmonds health

#4 Be ahead of the game

Its imperative that you have a good understanding about what’s going on in your area of expertise. This is because connection to your community is important.

Mark Whittle praises Simmonds for ‘making decisions before other people see the signs’ and having his ‘finger on the pulse’.

This praise was in reference to Bradley personal training the Made in Chelsea girls for free in return for a post on their Instagram. This gained Simmonds a high social media following.

Simmonds was also one of the first influencers to stream Instagram live training during the first lockdown back in March 2020.

Bradley speaks about his individual experience in personal training and explains how his broader knowledge in things such as politics and culture have helped him grow in that career too.

This is because his clients wanted to be able to talk about things happening in their community.

Bradley also mentions the importance of getting to know your client. Small things like remembering your client’s son’s birthday was the week before, can seriously put you ahead of the game.

life lessons bradley simmonds stay ahead of the game

#5 Learn from your setbacks

Mark Whittle praises Bradley for his ‘ability to see the positive no matter how negative it is’.

Simmonds reveals that it’s important to learn from your past experiences and setbacks and put this into practice with his football career, when a football injury killed one dream but now it has led to another.

Bradley turned to Plan B after Plan A didn’t work and got his qualification as a personal trainer.

Now being an ex-footballer is a key selling point for his clients. Some may see his football career as a setback but Bradley sees it as helping him do what he sees as his purpose in life.

ability to see the positive no matter how negative it is

Mark questions Bradley about how he sees other setbacks now.

Bradley says he will talk back and forth with his manager. But from his experience with his failed football career, he has learnt to be patient and plan.

#6 Believe in yourself

Simmonds recognises that having self-belief has allowed him to reach the level of success that he has done and believes he can do whatever he wants to, if he puts his mind to it.

You don’t want your own mind holding you back from something you are capable of doing – ‘once you’re yourself people will buy into it’ and then ‘things happen for a reason’.

mark whittle Mark Whittle is a purpose, performance and lifestyle coach. 

Mark also hosts one of the UK’s leading podcasts – Take Flight – featuring over 100 episodes with the worlds greatest minds and performers. 

Having lived with mental health himself, Mark vulnerably shares his own experience in an attempt to inspire others to open up themselves, rather than suffer in silence.

bradley simmonds

Bradley Simmonds is a young, ambitious fitness influencer on a journey to motivate and inspire people to live a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and a nutritious diet. 

His no-nonsense approach and platform Get It Done pushes all ages and sizes to reach amazing long term results, feeling good inside and out.

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