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The new rope training machine coming to a gym near you

Rope training is big news for 2015 – Healthista recently found out why it’s such a great all-round workout and tried a new rope training machine, the Marpo

Marpo Rope Trainers are new work-out machines designed to deliver the rope training trend to users without injury.  They were developed by an elite team of athletes and kinesiologists, Healthista recently tried one:

Typically, users will find their upper body being worked more often in rope training, but they can work other parts of their body as well.  According to Stuart Jackson, marketing director for Marpo who make the machines, ‘different types of movement work different body areas.’ Those areas can include the glutes, legs, core, arms and upper body, giving you a full and effective whole-body workout.  It all depends on how you decide to use the rope trainer.

MORE: 13 new fitness trends to watch in 2015

Rope TrainingAlong with the different types of movement are the different levels of resistance controlled by the user.  In total, there are seven different resistance levels, with level one being much easier and providing a cardiovascular workout.  The more you increase the resistance level, the more difficult it gets.  Once you reach level seven, you’re provided with a much more difficult, yet effective strength workout.

Even 9-time UFC welterweight champion Matt Hughes found rope training invaluable to his training methods.

‘No matter what you are training for, you need the right tools.  The V250 rope trainer delivers an un-rivaled upper body workout that is fast and effective.  It helps me in my training, and it will help you in yours,’ Hughes said.

Marpo rope trainers are used in gyms, rehabilitation centres and fitness facilities of any size in more than thirty countries around the world.

Rope trainer

Rope trainers are currently available at Pure Gym clubs across the country.


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