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Legs and bum workout with fitness champion Joey Bull

Happy 2017! This legs and bum workout with fitness champion Joey Bull is part two of our exclusive Body Design series designed to get you into shape fast 

Following Friday’s 10 minute ab workout, Joey demonstrates some exercises to shake up your squat routine, working on the muscles and fibres of the glutes, back of the leg, outside of the thigh and above the knee to name a few. Grab a mat, a band, and if you’re ready to feel the burn; some weights.


Joey Bull is a four times fitness champion, fitness writer, internationa trainer, motivational speaker, former adventure athlete and classically trained dancer.

MORE: Joey Bull’s Body Design Ab Workout for Healthista

EXCITING NEWS: On January 10, Healthista launches our Lean Energy Programme a new range of diet proteins and nutrient powders formulated by nutritionist Rick Hay to promote weight loss. Click here to register to receive a 10 per cent off voucher

tidy the temple joey bullJoey Bull is the creator of seven fitness DVDs, including most recently, 7 Day Shed Fat Burning Workout Plan – 6 Workouts & 1 Preparation Day £11.96 from Amazon. 

Joey’s Tidy The Temple can be purchased by Healthista readers at a £5 discount off the usual price (£14.99 instead of £19.99) by going to and entering the code JOEYSPROMOTION

Follow Joey on Twitter: @joeybullfitness

Find out more about Joey here

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