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This anti ageing face massage will give you an instant lift

anti ageing, healthista, reflexology, gua sha

This anti-ageing face massage video features reflexologist Michele Stevens showing you how to do a ‘Zone Face lift’ for an instant glow

The Zone Face Lift, created by award winning reflexologist Ziggie Bergman, is a natural anti-aging programme and treatment that combines traditional facial reflexology, ancient healing techniques and pressure point massage.

The full Zone Face Lift uses promotes healing and youthful looking skin. Reflexologist Michele Stevens can show you how this traditional medical treatment can give your skin regenerative properties.

If done regularly, these movements will help reduce tension on the face, reduce puffiness and fine lines, and leave the skin looking radiant and glowing.

First, cleanse your face with your usual products and then apply a a facial oil, serum or moisturiser such as the Zone Face Elixir Oil ,£75 (or whatever you normally use). Here are the techniques, which you can also view in the video above.

Anti-ageing face massage move #1 Scissor movements

Interlock your index and middle fingers together, then move them backwards and forwards over the entire forhead briskly, using the scissor technique. This stimulates blood flow and helps reduce tension in the forehead. If you do this regularly it can help to ease frown lines.

Anti-ageing face massage move#2 Press and glide across jaw

Press your fingers and glide along your jaw and cheek, from the inside outwards with your hands open. Perform this action once, using smooth sweeping motions. This will help stimulate your blood flow.

anti ageing face massage, healthista, reflexology, gua sha
Press along your jaw and cheek.

Anti-ageing face massage move #3 Diaphragm

Following the line of your cheekbones to just before your ears, use your middle fingers and press up underneath cheekbones. This movement helps to open the face and release tension, allowing you to relieve stress and feel more relaxed.

Anti-ageing face massage move #4 Balance reflexes

Using your fingers press the area in front of the top part of your ear. Gently press in and circle for 3 seconds. This movement is helpful for relieving tension and headaches.

anti ageing face massage, healthista, reflexology, gua she
Press your fingers next to your ears.

For more about Michele and to book an appointment, visit Wellness by Michele Holistic Therapies here

To experience this unique Zone Face Lift treatment, visit for nationwide details or contact Michele Stevens at who provides this treatment in her own practice in Hayes, Middlesex.

More from Healthista’s reflexology self-care series:

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Hand reflexology for headaches

Anti-ageing massage using a gua sha

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zone face lift, reflexology, therapy, gua sha, micehele stevens, healthista

Michele Stevens is fully qualified and a member of the Association of Reflexologists and Registered with Complimentary & Natural HealthCare Council (CNHC) fro Reflexology. I am a Colour Mirror Practitioner.

When you have treatments with me, you will feel safe and nurtured and know that I put you and your interests at the heart of my treatments; and it’s wonderful to know that for that time, no one can disturb you for anything.

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