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bikini body challenge


Bikini body challenge

30 day bikini body challenge: Day 1

Our 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge with personal trainer, Henlu Van Der Westhuizen, is designed to help you get beach body ready with 30 five minute HIIT exercises you can do each day for the next 30 days to get a better body - go on, it's only five minutes a day!

Day 30 featured image, bikini body challenge, by

Bikini body challenge

30 day bikini body challenge: Day 30

You made it through our 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge with personal trainer, Henlu Van Der Westhuizen. Congrats! But if you’re just joining us, don't worry you can start anytime, click on the link and go to day one

Day 29 featured image, bikini body by

Bikini body challenge

30 day bikini body challenge: Day 29

Our 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge with personal trainer, Henlu Van Der Westhuizen, is designed to help you get beach body ready with daily five minute HIIT exercises that are perfect to do in the comforts of your own home. If you’re just joining us, click on the link and go to day one

Day 28 featured image, bikini body, by

Bikini body challenge

30 day bikini body challenge: Day 28

Our 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge with personal trainer, Henlu Van Der Westhuizen, is designed to help you get beach body ready with daily five minute HIIT exercises that are perfect to do in the comforts of your own home. If you’re just joining us, click on the link for day one

Day 27 featured image, bikini body,

Bikini body challenge

30 day bikini body challenge: Day 27

Our 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge with personal trainer, Henlu Van Der Westhuizen, is designed to help you get beach body ready with daily five minute HIIT exercises that are perfect to do in the comforts of your own home. If you’re just joining us, click on the link and go to day one

Day 26 featured, bikini body, by

Bikini body challenge

30 day bikini body challenge: Day 26

Our 30 Day Bikini Body Challenge with personal trainer, Henlu Van Der Westhuizen, is designed to help you get beach body ready with daily five minute HIIT exercises that are perfect to do in the comforts of your own home. If you’re just joining us, click on the link and go to day one to get started