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WEIRD MOTIVATORS The Russian subway where squats will get you a free ride

Think you can do 30 squats in 2 minutes? An exercise/transport revolution is among us – in Moscow. A subway station is implementing a new way of making people stay active: do some squats and you ride free.


With obesity rates rising all around the world, an Olympic initiative at Vystavochaya station in the West of the capital has sprouted the squats-for-rides initiative.

To get the freebie, you need to do the 30 squats in two minutes, to make sure you’re working that toosh hard enough to get your heart rate into overdrive.

Can’t make the exact number? Get your cash (30 rubles/.60p) ready and purchase your ticket like the rest of the commuters.

squatting russian

The special machine is part of a wider campaign being run by Russia’s Olympic Committee to promote next year’s Winter Games in Sochi and to encourage people to ‘add elements of sport into daily life.’ Health secretary Jeremy Hunt, take note.

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