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Kim & Kanye’s post-baby workout

The couple that works out together, stays together? Do you think?

New mum and dad Kim Kardashian and Kanye West recently hit LA celeb gym haunt Barry’s Bootcamp for a couple’s sweat session. They even wore matching all-black outfits.

Kim’s a regular – along with other hot bodies such as Jake Gylenhaal, Christina Applegate, Pink and Sandra Bullock – though it’s the first time for her rapper husband.

So what exactly happens in a Barry’s Bootcamp class? Each class is a cross between gruelling treadmill sprints and heavy weight training – no wonder it works. Healthista tested the brand new Barry’s opened earlier this year in London, Euston to find out. Read the review here

This is Faisal, he makes classes better
This is Faisal, he makes classes at Barry’s better

What we do know for sure is that Barry’s gets results. Healthista also recently ran a 12 week Reboot body blog in which Charmian Walker-Smith, 35 had to attend Barry’s Bootcamp classes three times a week. Watch the video above to see the stunning results and a class in action.


Read about Charm’s journey 

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