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5 minute fat-burning workout

For week five of your 12-week anti ageing fitness plan, Rick Hay has created an easy 5-minute high intensity cardio workout to get you burning fat

Exercise should be an integral part of any diet plan. We advise that you aim to incorporate movement and exercise into your daily routine, and set aside about 3-4 times a week to do a specific exercise.

This 5-minute fat-burning challenge is easy to do. For 3 minutes, perform high-intensity moves, followed by a lower intensity lower of cardio move. Do each individual card exercise as many times as you can for 1 minute (3 minutes total), then the yoga/pilates move for 2 minutes.

If you are a beginner, you can follow the video one time; three times for intermediate, or five minutes for advanced levels. Tailor the level of intensity and amount of times repeated to your individual fitness level. Challenge yourself each week to repeating the exercise or increasing your level of intensity.

This high-intensity workout is designed to bring your cortisol levels down. It really gets your heart rate up because of the high intensity work involved.

Rick suggests making movement a part of your daily routine. We have composed 5 minute cardio challenges, performing a 3 minute higher intensity program followed by a lower intensity yoga or pilates move. Do each individual cardio exercise as many times as you can for 1 minute (3 minutes total), followed by the yoga/pilates move for 2 minutes. Repeat as often as you like, tailored to your own fitness level. Increase intensity or the amount of times you repeat the workout to keep your body challenged.


Move-by-move breakdown of the video circuit

Jumping Jacks:
Also called Star Jumps, simply jump your legs to the sides as you raise your hands in the air and back again in quick succession.

TIP: To make it harder, hold your hands at the side of your head.

Squat with Shoulder Press: (just hands or with light weights)
Start in standing position, go down to a low squat with your hands at shoulder level (arms at right angles) as you stand, press the hands straight up overhead.

Abs – Elbow to Knee (Obliques):Slow motion. Lying down, raise your lower legs to ‘tabletop’ (parallel to floor), with hands behind head. Rotate 1 elbow to the opposite knee as you stretch out the other leg. Repeat.

TIP: Keep your shoulders off the floor at all times engaging abdominals.

Pilates – Superman:
Start on all fours (hands under shoulders, knees under hips) then ‘slide’ your opposite arm and leg away from each other until parallel to floor, pause to breath, then lower.

TIP: Breath in to prepare, exhale on movement, core engaged at all times, including Pelvic floor.

anti ageingFollow Rick Hay’s 12 week Anti Ageing Food and Fitness Plan which is exclusively premiering on The plan is available in full at Xynergy.

Week One
Week Two
Week Three
Week Four

rickRick Hay is an Anti Ageing and Fitness Nutritionist with many years clinical experience in nutrition, naturopathy, botanical medicine and iridology. He specializes in obesity treatment and weight management. He writes a regular Natural Health and Fitness Blog for Healthista. Follow Rick @nutritionalphys


Picture: Lydia Jones

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