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‘At 42, I’m fitter than ever’

Superfit Jane Woodhead, 42 lives in Neston, Cheshire and is an account director for PR company Paver Smith, boxing coach and personal trainer
jane wood head going out
Why I got fit?
I had always danced until the age of 18. Then in my twenties I guess I became a little lazy. I was on a weekend break away and it was after I returned and looked at photographs of myself that I decided I wasn’t happy and I needed to get fit and in shape. That was a real turning point and I would say now, at the age of 42, I am fitter than I have ever been and I am also more happy with my body now compared to when I was in my twenties.  I owe so much of this to my personal trainer Chris Carter from Creation PT in Heswall, Wirral.
I initially started off just going to the gym. The gym then started a running club – I had never run in my life – I did everything to get out of PE and games at school! I can remember the first time I ran three miles this huge sense of achievement. I then decided I wanted to run a 10k – something I did within six months – then I really had the running bug and the next challenge I set myself was to complete a half marathon – and then, three marathons. London twice and New York. I raised money for Leukaemia Research as I lost my dad to leukaemia.

I wanted even more of a challenge so I decided to take up triathlon training – I could only do breast stroke so took swimming lessons. I then went on to compete in various sprint distance triathlons and an Olympic distance event in Lake Bala –again to the total shock of all of my friends because I would do everything at school to get out of swimming – my mum and dad would take me for swimming lessons and I would literally scream – my dad would always make excuses he was working on swimming nights so he didn’t have to see me upset!

From here the fitness bug really got me and I decided I wanted to learn more and give something back and I started to study for my personal trainer exams. I did this at the weekends and evenings over a period of six months – still continuing with my day job.

I had joined Wallasey Amateur Boxing Club to help with my training having been inspired to start boxing by my partner Andrew Gilbert, the former North West Light Welterweight amateur boxing champion. There’s no one fitter than a boxer in my opinion so at the same time I also studied for my boxing coaching badges. I became the first fully qualified female coach in Merseyside and went on to train a young boxer for the all England finals.

I have also launched a boot camp, Smart Boot Camp, with one of the main coaches at the boxing club, Andrew Gilbert, he is also the former North West light welterweight amateur boxing champion.
Why do you exercise?
I absolutely love exercise I guess I am an exercise addict. I have far more energy and I am on a real high after I have exercised. It’s that feeling that keeps me coming back.

What’s your fitness routine?
My routine now, since qualifying as a personal trainer and instructor has seen me make massive changes to my body in terms of muscle toning and definition.
My most recent qualification is Les Mills Body Combat instructor.
jane fullbody
My weekly regime:
Monday 6.45 – teach spin for 45 minues
Monday evening – teach boxing circuits – one hour followed by body combat – one hour
Tuesday AM – weight training upper body
Tuesday PM – teach spin for 45 minutes
Wednesday AM – teach spin for 45 minutes
Wednesday PM – coach boxing
Thursday AM – weight training lower body
Thursday PM – Take part in a body combat class
Friday AM – Core training
Friday PM – coach boxing
Sat AM – take part in two hours of body combat
Sunday – REST DAY
What do you eat?
I am conscious of what I eat and will not touch pastry, fried food, cream cakes.
I eat at regular intervals throughout the day – small and often. I always start the day with porridge and fruit. After my work-outs I also have a protein snack or drink.  I tend to eat a paleo diet, with plenty of vegetables and lean proteins through the day. My guilty pleasure is definitely chocolate –and I keep this to a few small pieces and always go for 75 per cent cocoa or above. I can honestly say I am in a routine and I love my training – I know when I have been to the gym I will feel fantastic for the rest of the day!
What’s on your power playlist?
As for music this depends what you are doing …. My final big sprint track for spinning is Lady Gaga’s Edge of Glory which is awesome for really getting everyone working ….Flashdance is another must

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