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Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for weight loss – cleansing cucumber

Get ready for a brilliant 60 second smoothie for weight loss aimed to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body created by nutritionist Rick Hay


Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for weight loss – peachy pineapple

Need a holiday on a tropical beach but don't have time? Try this 60 second smoothie for weight loss, from nutritionist Rick Hay, and you'll be in Peachy Pineapple Paradise.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for mood – Day 27 Velvety Smooth Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for mood – velvety smooth

If you're looking for easy smoothie recipes, then you've come to the right place. Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 27, Velvety Smooth - best smoothie for mood.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for cleansing– Day 26 Green Detox Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for cleansing – green detox

If you're looking for easy smoothie recipes, then you've come to the right place. Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 26, Green Detox - best smoothie for cleansing.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for energy – Day 25 creamy coconut Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for energy – creamy coconut

Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 25, Creamy Coconut- best smoothie for energy.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for weight management – Day 23 Watermelon Wonder Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for weight loss – watermelon wonder

If you're looking for easy smoothie recipes, then you've come to the right place. Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 23, Watermelon Wonder- best smoothie for weight management