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Flu fighting soup recipe from medicinal chef Dale Pinnock

A bowl of Flu Fighting Soup

TV favourite, Dale Pinnock, aka The Medicinal Chef cooks up his immune-pumping cold fix in a bowl.  Garlic bulbs at the ready.  

According to the Met Office, temperatures could get down to -2°C. If you’re craving warm soup in the bitterly temperatures, try Pinnock’s spicy flu fighting soup.

In recent years, flu deaths have soared by 41 percent with 17 new fatalities. That means that 120 people in the UK have now died from the virus this winter. In the past week alone, 8.3 million people have been struck down by the flu. If you’re worried about picking up a virus this winter, how about trying a tasty flu-fighting recipe?

healthy every dayDale’s books include The Medicinal Chef (Quadrille £18.99) and Healthy Every Day (Quadrille £18.99) out January 2014

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