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REBOOT Body Makeover Challenge week 10

Caroline_HeadshotBody blogger Caroline Williams has reached week 10 of her makeover challenge, and although she is sad to be nearing the end, making good food choices is now becoming second nature to her and she is determined not to go back to the way she was.

‘Yesterday was the last night of the weekly Nourish group meetings. Although I will keep seeing Alli once a week for the next 3 weeks to make sure I stay on track I will definitely miss the group meetings. It has been a great support to be able to share our experiences and struggles along the way. Most of us live a fairly similar lifestyle, with small children, busy jobs and not enough hours in the day so it has been nice to be able to support each other and get advice from Alli and the other ladies (and one man!).

week 1 and 10


‘When we summarised the journey over the last nine weeks last night most people were pleased to have gained more indepth knowledge about nutrition and healthy eating, but also to have managed to break old habits. We all agreed that it was nice to have gotten out of the habit of having a glass (or two) of wine when the children have gone to bed every night but instead enjoying a glass as a special treat on the weekend. I have also cut out caffeine apart from the odd cup of green tea, having previously had 3 cups of coffee and at least one can of diet coke per day. I have not had a sip of diet coke since starting the nourish diet nine weeks ago and will try my very hardest to not go back to drinking it once the reboot is over (Alli I promise!). I did give in to a cup of coffee at a business meeting in a lovely coffee shop this week, but that is the first since the start of the Nourish diet.

Tuna salad with hummus
Tuna salad with hummus

‘I find it is getting more and more like second nature to make good food choices and I don’t have to think and plan so much about what food to eat any more. Even eating out has become less challenging and I am getting used to modifying dishes from the menu when ordering at restaurants. I do still snack a bit though (favourite snacks being almonds and nut butters which are very calorific) and realise I have to be careful to not let that get out of hand.

‘John has cranked up the level of the training again, and this week I did 30 minutes straight of high intensity work with only letting the heart rate drop slightly in between exercises before moving on to strength type exercises. I am really enjoying the workouts and look forward to them and also my runs and pilates sessions. I have got to the stage of not thinking about whether or not to go for a run but just doing it. I have got into a nice routine of prioritising exercise even if it means getting up early so that I can still be at my desk for the start of the working day It feels so important for me to do my training now, this week I even rescheduled meetings around my exercising.

Caroline shedding the pounds doing step ups in the park.
Caroline shedding the pounds doing step ups in the park.

‘I lost 0.9 kilos this week which I am happy with. It has taken me to just over a stone in total so far. Quite a few of my friends have commented on the change in my body over the last week too.


Breakfast: Oats, linseeds, blueberries and yoghurt

Lunch: Roast red pepper and red lentil soup

Snacks: Peanut butter on oatcakes, almonds

Dinner: Chicken with asparagus and salad


Monday: Powerwalk 45 min + Pilates 60 min

Tuesday: Run, 60min

Wednesday: Session with John, 60 min

Thursday: Run 30 min

Friday: Session with John

Saturday: Hand weight workout at home, 20 min


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Diet A total nutritional overhaul (no less) at the hands of Alli Godbold, nutritional therapist who runs a clinic in Chiswick West London for one to one consultations as well as the NOURISH healthy eating courses.  Alli also holds frequent cookery workshops and is the author of Feed Your Health (Amazon £13.99 )


Fitness John Orum is a sports scientist with 20 years experience training ordinary people and celebrities and was head trainer at In:Spa retreats for four years. John’s focus is on the whole person and he incorporates fitness, psychological motivation and other body work technique to bring out their best and make the changes last. Contact John at

Check out other weeks in Caroline’s REBOOT body makeover diaries:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6  

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9


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