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Get ready for CUBAN CARDIO

Short, fast, hot – that’s the new Cuban Cardio workout on the Active Channel – Anna Magee tried it for Day 23 of her 30 workouts in 30 days challenge


When I was sent the opportunity to include some Cuban Cardio on The Active Channel in my 30 workouts, I opened the two links and found they were only 12 minutes and 54 seconds each,  A 25 minute workout? Was it going to be worth putting on my trainers for?

cuban cardio screenI have this perception that home workouts aren’t quite as hard-core as something you do in a class at the gym.  But then, I had never tried the Cuban Cardio range of classes from bodybuilder Lazaro Almenares that features on The Active Channel both online or on Sky Channel 281 or Freesat Channel 408.

Lazaro’s Cuban Cardio features high intensity, power-based workouts based around anything from kettlebells to jumping plyometrics.  As I have an allergy to having workout props at home, even dumbells, I wanted a workout made me sweat  but used only my body weight. So I did the High Energy Cuban Cardio Options which needs to prop paraphernalia and comes in two parts on the following links:

It’s free – but as they say there is no such thing as free, really – and you have to put up with the odd ad here and there from the channel sponsor, the protein and supplements supplier LA Muscle in the bottom corner of the video.  Frankly, I love free too much to care.
cuban cardio SideStretch
I genuinely loved this workout.  It ticked all  the boxes for me:  it was short. I did it before my shower in the morning and it was workout over for the day. Huzzah. But it was also super-tough and alternated high energy sweat-inducing jumping, running on the spot, boxing and kicking with power moves like push-ups, jump squats, killer jump lunges and a new one for me, alternating push-ups with side planks.  When you get to the plain 30 second plank exercise and it feels like a rest, you know it’s a tough workout.
cuban cardio floor work
I was sweating by the end of the warm-up and by the end of the workout, my hair was soaked through.  In 25 minutes!  I also loved that there were no complicated steps to follow so I felt like I was doing a real workout – quick and intense – instead of wasting my time in a dance class wave my arms and legs around.  It helps too that Lazaro is surrounded by other gorgeous Cubans with perfect bodies who make jump lunges look easy – who does that?
PROS It’s free, it’s short – over in 25 minutes – and intense and includes cardio, resistance and tough toning moves.  You can work through lots of classes in the Cuban Cardio series.   It’s a proper challenging workout, it’s easy to follow CONS There’s no stretching at the end, the music could be louder
How much: Free



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