Triple amputee, motivational speaker and peak performance coach Mark Ormrod reveals his 6 top tips on creating a strong growth mindset
Having a strong mindset can be difficult, especially nowadays in the world of added pressures from social media.
According to psychologist Carol Dweck, a lead researcher on the topic, humans operate in both a fixed and growth mindset.
‘In a fixed mindset, people believe their basic qualities, like their intelligence or talent, are simply fixed traits. They spend their time documenting their intelligence or talent instead of developing them. They also believe that talent alone creates success—without effort,’ states Dweck.
‘In a growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment.’
Mark Ormrod turned his tragedy into an ongoing story of success
Mark Ormrod has an incredibly inspirational story that one can’t help but be in awe of. Ormrod was a Royal Marine who became a triple amputee after stepping on an IED in Afghanistan.
However, he did not let this stop him. Now an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, a peak performance coach, and author, Mark is a source of inspiration for thousands.
Mark Ormrod turned his tragedy into an ongoing story of success and now committed to helping others who have suffered from setbacks or feel they are not living to their full potential to take charge of their lives.
‘Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change.’ This is how Mark Ormrod a triple amputee has kept a strong mindset through everything life has thrown at him.
Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change
‘Our thoughts become our feelings and our feelings become our actions. That’s the most basic formula which explains all. So change our thoughts and change our lives. That is growth mindset personified’.
Purpose, performance and lifestyle coach Mark Whittle, spoke to Mark Ormrod on creating a strong growth mindset in his recent podcast Take Flight.
Here are Mark Ormrod’s 6 tips on creating a strong growth mindset…
#1 Surround yourself with the best people
Mark Ormrod is a huge advocator of surrounding yourself with the best people.
Having people to look up to who are operating at high levels is important to inspire, motivate and push yourself to be the best you can be.
Ormrod states he has ‘constantly been surrounded by people who operate at the highest level’.
Ormrod stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with people ‘that get you’
Not only surrounding yourself with high achieving individuals is important but also people ‘who are going to help you – have a similar mindset and a similar mission’.
Ormrod stresses the importance of surrounding yourself with people ‘that get you’ but also with individuals whose skill sets complement your own.
#2 Sit down and have a spot check
You need to spend time reflecting and using your mind. Ormrod says we should sit down and have a spot check.
Give yourself time to think about what is positively and negatively impacting your life. This can be big or small. Everything has an impact on your mindset. From toxic relationships to your social media feed.
Once you have thought and reflected on the negative impacts on your life get rid of as much negativity as you can.
One thing Ormrod does is customise his social feeds. This allows him not to be negatively impacted by the posts he sees constantly filling up his screen.
#3 Setting goals
Be a goal setter. Setting goals is so important for everyone, ensuring it keeps us on the right path to where we want to end up.
Ormrod recommends having an overall goal in life – to be the ultimate version of yourself. Yes, this is unattainable arguably but this what we need.
To have seemingly unattainable goals makes us constantly strive to the best we can be. As he puts it to be ‘on that path never ends’, we should always be trying to evolve.
#4 Meditation and mindfulness
Setting time aside to reflect is imperative. Meditation and mindfulness has become a key part of creating Ormord’s strong growth mindset.
People will remember you for having a positive impact so Ormord is ‘always trying to improve who [he is]’ in every aspect of his life.
Mindfulness and meditation can be added to your life in so many simple ways. Whether that be setting five minutes to sit quietly at the end of the day to listening to a guided meditation.
#5 Consistent routines
When Mark Whittle asked Ormrod one habit he recommends all listeners to adapt into their lives it was this. Consistent routines, both morning and evening. Having consistent routines allows you to stay focused.
Morning routines ensure you start the day right, whether that be starting with mediation or taking your dog for a walk. This prepares your mind for the day ahead.
consistent routines allows you to stay focused
A relaxing evening routine allows you to switch off the day, allowing your body to unwind and relax from your busy day.
#6 Resilience
The single trait which allowed Ormrod to be where he is today he said was resilience.
Resilience is difficult, not letting your mindset change from setbacks and difficulties in life. But we can all do it.
Ormrod says we need to understand ‘failure is make-believe’ and ‘you have to fail in order to succeed’. It is so important to view failures as learning curves and not let them dent your mindset.
Mark Ormrod is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, a peak performance coach, and the author of the award-winning auto-biography Man Down. As well as a peak performance coach he is a mentor and a role model to other amputees and an ambassador for the Royal Marines Association.
Mark Whittle is a purpose, performance and lifestyle coach.
Mark also hosts one of the UK’s leading podcasts – Take Flight – featuring over 100 episodes with the worlds greatest minds and performers.
Having lived with mental health himself, Mark vulnerably shares his own experience in an attempt to inspire others to open up themselves, rather than suffer in silence.
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