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4D Pro – the weird new hanging workout

The 4D Pro is a new workout that gets you bouncing from a suspended harness while doing anything from planks to lunges to push-ups. Healthista TV caught up with its creator to find out more 

The 4D Pro Reaction Trainer is essentially an elastic band resistance exercise system, developed by doctor Homayun Gharavi to connect training with fun.  Gharavi describes the 4D Pro as a suspended trampoline ‘that allows you to accelerate your body up and down,’ giving you a dynamic full-body workout.

4D Pro
Dr. Homayun Gharavi created the 4D Pro.

Gharavi’s idea when developing the 4D Pro was to create something that exercises all muscles dynamically, as opposed to the rigid suspension training systems he previously used, like TRX suspension training.

‘The problem with rigid systems such as TRX is that with every repetition the movement becomes slower,’ explains Gharavi.  So he created the 4D Pro to train the muscles to move faster and independently from each other. The result, it’s a tonne harder because the bouncing effect means you have to use just about every muscle you have available (especially your core and tummy muscles) to steady yourself.

It uses your own body weight, and the neoprene straps provide a wide contact area which evenly distributes your weight.  Therefore, your body is in a natural and comfortable position allowing you to make gentle and flexible movements, putting less stress on your joints.

4dPro 1

Research shows that the 4D Pro continuously works your muscles while targeting multiple muscle groups.  So whether you’re working on toning your body, building muscle mass or improving your cardiovascular health, the 4D Pro is a simple, effective and fun way to exercise.

There are four main workouts in which the 4D Pro is designed for, but the incredible versatility of the product allows you to branch out into twenty different effective variations. These workouts typically target your core, shoulders, back and legs. ‘We have exercises where you can work your whole body weight without even touching the ground,’ Gharavi explains.  That’s where the real fun is with the 4D Pro, hanging in the air, bouncing around and simply having a play while getting in a real workout.

Look out for 4D Pros coming to a gym near you, find out more on of – if you’re really keen – purchase a 4D Pro Re Action Trainer on Amazon.


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