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30 days of weight loss

30 weight loss tips in 30 days – #8 Drink barley coffee

Welcome to the NEW Healthista series featuring 30 days of weight loss tips with Nutritionist Rick Hay. Discover why drinking barley coffee can help you reach your weight loss goals

January is here again and we can wipe our slate clean and forget about all the feasting that took place over Christmas…that was easy. Now for the hard part, the new year’s resolutions. This tends to be health related for the majority of us and usually we set ourselves an ambitious target.

Well, with the help of Nutritionist Rick Hay selecting his best food and supplement choices for weight loss goals, that ambitious target can become reachable. Over the 30 days of January, we’re providing you with a weight loss tip every day to help keep you fuelled with the right nutrients to keep you on track.

Today’s tip: Drink barley coffee. Bear with us on this – a study from Lund University in Sweden published in 2016 found that barley could help stabilise blood sugar and improve appetite control. The study participants ate barley bread three times daily, but if that too many carbs for you, Rick Hay suggests drinking Barleycup with dandelion as a coffee replacement. You make it in exactly the same way as you would an instant coffee, with boiling water and a little milk or milk replacement.

TRY: Barleycup with Dandelion


Rick Hay says: ‘This probably sounds too good to be true, but  it’s backed by good science and I’ve used it for over 20 years with my clients with really good results. Barley coffee is a beverage that contains barley, dandelion and chicory (no coffee or caffeine) and works by helping to remove fluid retention from the body.  That, together with the bitter qualities of herbs such as dandelion and chicory help the liver, stimulating the gallbladder and aiding digestion. On a short term level, drinking it can help remove excess fluid or bloating before a special event and long-term, having barley instead of coffee or tea can result in better elimination and that can help you with your weight loss goals.’

Available for £3.69 for 100g, from the Healthista shop

Shop 20% off (plus free UK delivery!) on all of Rick Hay’s weight loss essentials until 31st January on Healthista – shop now.


Rick Hay is an Anti-Ageing and Fitness Nutritionist with many years clinical experience in nutrition, naturopathy, botanical medicine and iridology. He specializes in obesity treatment and weight management. He writes a regular Natural Health and Fitness Blog for Healthista. Find out more at Follow Rick on Twitter @nutritiomalphys



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