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TRX workouts

The TRX workout for toned arms

Is toning your arms your new year’s resolution? David Kingsbury Founder of London boutique gym Opus Fitness teaches us how to use the TRX to workout the arms in our new weekly TRX workout series. 

TRX is a form of suspension training that aims to improve strength, flexibility, balance and stability – with the use of your body weight and gravity.

Pretty much any traditional workout move like crunches, planks and pushups can be used and your results will be more challenging and effective with TRX.

David from OPUS gym shows us how you can include TRX into your workout for toned arms.

Watch the YouTube video down below find out.

Workout routine

Circuit one 

  1. Pull ups – 60 seconds
  2. Chest press ups – 60 seconds
  3. Fly – 60 seconds
  4. Rest 20 seconds

Repeat for three rounds in total

Circuit two

  1. Tricep extension – 60 seconds
  2. Single arm bicep curls – left arm – 60 seconds
  3. single arm bicep curls – right arm – 60 seconds
  4. Atomic press ups – 60 seconds
  5. Rest 20 seconds

Repeat for three rounds in total

More from the TRX workout series:

Glute workout

Back workout


As the founder of OPUS, David’s passion for inspiring health and wellbeing is at the forefront of his training approach.

An accomplished sportsman, David was selected to play for the Bedford Blues Youth Academy at the age of 17 and represented his University 1st XV in Cardiff. However, struck by injury, David’s rugby career was cut short and surgery on his hips ended his rugby playing days. An intensive post-surgery rehabilitation program educated David about the benefits of adhering to a structured training routine to produce the best outcome.

After completing his studies, David worked at one of London’s top Reformer Pilates studios clocking up more than 5,000 teaching hours before opening the doors to his own boutique studio in Notting Hill. David now works with a range of clients with varying goals.

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