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Expert Advice

Tip of the week: The Epsom salts trick for sore muscles (PLUS how drinking it can help a sluggish intestine – if you can stand the taste!)

Joey Bull brings us a useful way to help soothe sore muscles after a hard day at the gym and a secret for detoxing your internal organs – if you can stand it

If you’re suffering from muscle soreness, there is an easy fix. Simply pour 2-3 kg of Epsom salts into a warm bath and soak in it and let the salts eliminate the toxins.

This also works as an internal cleanse if you drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of the salts mixed in, but it comes with a very unpleasant taste!

tidy-the-temple-joey-bullJoey is the creator of seven fitness DVDs, including most recently, 7 Day Shed Fat Burning Workout Plan – 6 Workouts & 1 Preparation Day £11.96 from Amazon. 

Joey’s Tidy The Temple can be purchased by Healthista readers at a £5 discount off the usual price (£14.99 instead of £19.99) by going to and entering the code JOEYSPROMOTION

Follow Joey on Twitter: @joeybullfitness

Find out more about Joey here

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