It’s time to take control of how we feel, realise our power and manage our mental health. Healthista chats to author Alan Lucas who reveals how to ‘Sort Your Self Out’ in 7 Steps
Increasing numbers of young people are struggling with their mental health. From feeling anxious and lost, to feeling like they have no control over their emotions.
In the UK alone, the number of under 18’s using mental health services has risen by 30 per cent in the last year. What’s more, over a million prescriptions were written for teenagers in 2022.
Although help is available, resources are stretched, the information can be overwhelming or you could find yourself on a never ending wait list.
So if you want to work on yourself, where do you start?
The amount of self-improvement information available, and all the different approaches, can feel overwhelming and confusing, and the language is often unnecessarily complicated, over intellectualised and full of jargon.
But it doesn’t have to be like that. The core principles of all personal development work are essentially the same, and it’s really not that complicated.
over a million prescriptions were written for teenagers in 2022
To change your life, you have to change. You have to work on your inner world. So how do you do that and in a cost and time efficient way?
Alan Lucas’s latest book – Realise Your Power: 7 Steps to Sort Your Self Out – can teach you just that. If you follow the Sort Your Self Out System (also called The SYSO System), you will change your life, because you will change yourself. It’s not complicated, but it’s up to you, to do.
Lucas is an advocate of making things simple, clear and jargon free. Having worked as a coach he knows all too well that change is much more likely to be effected when understood in simple terms.
There are potentially an unlimited number of struggles we can all face with our own mental wellbeing. But the principles that lie behind these issues are the same.
Lucas, while working as a coach, became obsessed with simplifying these principles and distilling them into 7 steps, sharing them in a straightforward way to help clients make lasting change.
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Can ‘sorting yourself out’ really be as simple as following 7 steps?
Well, ask yourself this. Would your experience of life be better if you were more self-aware, managed your mind more effectively, and became the master of your emotions?
These are just the first three steps of the Sort Your Self Out System.
- Step 1 -Become More Aware
- Step 2 – Manage Your Mind
- Step 3 – Take charge of your emotions
It’s one thing knowing what to do, but the key is to actually put what you learn to the test, and the Sort Your Self Out system is filled with exercises to help you do just that, rather than just reading about it.
In Step 2 for example, you actively reprogram yourself, to create a new identity and to install self-belief. ‘It’s all make beliefs’ as Lucas says.
In Step 3 there are exercises to help you better manage your energy in motion (your e-motion), to realise your power and to never again let your ‘emotions get the better of you’.
READ MORE: Feeling ‘meh’? Everything you need to know about anhedonia – the missing word in mental health
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So, what about the other 4 steps?
Step 4: explains that we are all born with inbuilt human needs, that we are trying to meet (even if we aren’t conscious of this).
We all have survival, personality and spiritual needs and once we have met our survival needs, how we prioritise meeting our personality and spiritual needs, and the ways in which we meet them, will determine how fulfilled we feel in our life.
Step 5: focusses on the importance of having a clear purpose. Lucas created the term ‘Usefulment’ to describe the feeling of true human fulfilment that can only be achieved by helping others or by being useful.
Once you have completed these first 5 steps, your life will already feel different, because you will look at things differently, and talk to yourself in more helpful and positive ways.
Steps 6: encourages us to be aware that everything is interconnected, and highlights that a lot of human misery is born from the illusion of separateness.
The SYSO System includes exercises that aim to raise our awareness of how everything we do has an effect, far beyond the moment.
Step 7: reminds us that everything is energy, and that energy moves in waves, or vibrates. The system has tools to help us raise our vibration and shows that basic physics explains how vibrational energy and waves, attract similar energy.
If you follow the 7 steps of the Sort Your Self Out System, you will change your life because you will have changed yourself.
The key is to keep training and practicing. You don’t go to the gym for one workout and you’re suddenly at peak fitness!
We learn through the Sort Your Self Out System that life isn’t really about finding ourselves – it’s about creating ourselves. When we realise the power we have to create who we want to be, we can make our lives fun, useful and deeply fulfilling.
Essentially, we can become the best version of ourselves, and that’s better for everyone, but most importantly, you.
All profits from sales of Realise Your Power: 7 Steps to Sort Your Self Out go to providing free personal development resources to young people and Lucas speaks for free to schools and youth groups. Buy the book, help yourself and know you will also be helping someone else too.
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