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Is semen good for you? New London cooking class says YES but health experts say a resounding NO

is semen good for you? london masterclass says yes, by

‘It’s good for you darling’ – how many times have we heard that one? Now, Londoners can use semen as an ingredient at a cooking masterclass. Vanessa Chalmers investigates whether the purported health benefits are for real 

The old rumour that semen is beneficial for our health may sound familiar, and now London chefs are keen to start a new masterclass using it as the main ingredient. All it needs to go ahead is 30 enthusiasts, who can sign up at website Wonderush and BYOS (that’s Bring Your Own Semen, ahem) – at least five teaspoons of it.

If there is enough public interest – we wouldn’t be surprised – the masterclass’s secret location in Shoreditch will be revealed.

The ‘Head chef’ will teach keen amateurs how to use semen as a core ingredient in making a three course meal, drinks, and amuse bouches, before dining.

is semen good for you, london masterclass says yes, by

Why haven’t we heard of this before? It’s weird, but it’s not the first time the benefits of semen, as a source of protein and glowing skin properties, have been discussed. A study, posted in PubMed, found that semen is only one percent sperm, and the rest of composed of over 200 proteins. These include fructose sugar, water, ascorbic acid (a.k.a. Vitamin C), citric acid, enzymes, protein, zinc and more, according to Discover News.

Cooking or heating would destroy any beneficial ingredients

But before all men everywhere memorise that line, let’s ask the experts. According to the British Dietetic Association (BDA) ‘There is no scientific evidence to support health claims that the consumption of semen has nutritional benefit. A balanced diet provides people with all the nutrients they require to live healthily, without needing to add this to their diet. There is no credible data on the nutritional composition of semen that can be used to make any health benefit claims’.

‘I think any possible nutritional benefits are overshadowed by potential health concerns’, says anti-ageing and fitness nutritionist Rick Hay. ‘Also the cooking or heating would destroy any beneficial ingredients’.

The big question is why would anyone do this? Sex educator Alix Fox explains the psychology behind why some people might find this appealing: ‘For some people, the fact that consuming ejaculate in this manner is considered ‘gross’ or ‘disgusting’ is the very root of what appeals to them – it’s the ‘dirty’, ‘nasty’ and taboo nature of the practice that makes it exciting for some fetishists’.

The sexpert will be present at the workshop to answer questions if it goes ahead. She continues to say, ‘There’s the idea that eating a sexual liquid produced by your lover could be viewed as an incredibly intimate thing to do, and actually preparing and cooking it adds a layer of ritualistic reverence. For some, dishes or drinks containing a partner’s sperm may be viewed as something like a love potion, or an extreme aphrodisiac.’

The experts are still divided on this one, but we are certainly intrigued to see what will cum of this…

Follow Rick Hay on twitter: @nutritionalphys

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