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How to help eczema – 3 DIY recipes with friendly ingredients

How to help eczema - 3 DIY recipes with friendly ingredients, clean beauty co, by healthista (3)

Eczema, sensitive or dry skin? These DIY beauty recipes from Clean Beauty Co use only natural ingredients to help soothe and restore the skin

With limited products on the cosmetic shelves that do good for eczema or sensitive skin, this National Eczema Week, we have teamed up with DIY beauty company, Clean Beauty Co to show how easy it is to make all-natural skin care.

Soothing Facial Scrub

DIY facial scrub recipe for eczema skin healthista
Soothing facial scrub made with oats, coconut and lavender.

This is a lovely, soothing face scrub for those with dry, sensitive or itchy prone skin that still needs a gentle little scrub a dub dub. Oats are a gentle abrasive exfoliator that sweeps away dead skin cells. The lavender is wonderful at calming and relaxing the skin while the coconut is king of moisturisers.

Tablespoon oats
Tablespoon coconut oil
2 drops lavender essential oil

How to:
Get a bowl. Mix the oats, coconut oil and lavender. Gently massage onto the face in circular motions and wash off with warm water.


Spirulina, Oats and Yogurt Face Mask

DIY face mask recipe for eczema skin healthista
Nourishing face mask made with super food spirulina, oats, yogurt and honey.

This face mask is a super healing, nourishing, glow promoting favourite of ours and perfect for sensitive or problem skin. Superfood spirulina is great for treating irritated and inflamed skin whilst its antibacterial properties will help fight against infection or acne.
Oats have 18 different proteins in it that makes them super effective at repairing dry, damaged or irritated skin. The granular texture of oats makes them the perfect exfoliator, removing dry skin cells to reveal fresh and bright skin. We like to mix these ingredients with yogurt as it naturally contains lactic acid that when combined with antibacterial honey, will help unclog pores and leave skin looking and feeling fresh as a daisy.

½ Teaspoon spirulina
Teaspoon oats
Teaspoon plain yogurt
Teaspoon honey

How to:
Combine the spirulina and oats, add the yogurt and honey and mix. Apply to the face, leave for 10-15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

Oat bath soak

How to help eczema - 3 DIY recipes with friendly ingredients, clean beauty co, by

This really helps the skin heal. Other than making a nutritious breakfast, oats have some great benefits for the skin. They are a known anti-inflammatory so are widely used in the treatment of skin conditions such as eczema to calm and reduce redness. They contain healthy fats that are great for moisturising the skin and polysaccharides, a molecule that becomes gelatinous when mixed with water and forms a protective layer over the skin which is great for hydration and soothing itchiness. The coconut oil will nourish the skin without causing it to flare up, and the finally the lavender oil will relax any discomfort either to the skin or mind.

90g oatmeal
10g coconut oil
5 drops lavender essential oil

How to:
Grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder for a few minutes until they become extremely fine. Gently heat the coonut oil in a bain-marie, add the lavender oil and stir will. Combine the oils and oatmeal and stir. Add a handful to a running bath and swirl to ensure even distribution.


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