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What to eat for a better mood

Sometimes it can be quite difficult to pick yourself up when your feeling glum. Nutritionist Rick Hay explains what to eat for a better mood

Friends, families and fitness are three Fs that can put you in a better mood. But what about food? This is just as important and could be one of the most helpful. Nutritionist Rick Hay reveals how to step away from a yo-yo mood and find a steadier, happier you.

Foods to eat

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Boost your mood by just adding green leaves, nuts and seeds to your smoothie.

‘If your mood is low or you’re suffering anxiety, what we want to do is eat some nourishing foods for the entire system. It’s all about holistic health so we want to boost serotonin while making sure we are getting enough vitamin B. So starting the day with a delicious smoothie, but in that I want you to put in there some brightly coloured green leaves, nuts and seeds with also some flaxseed oil if you like, along with rice or almond milk. It will nourish the nervous system, rich in vitamin B and high in Zinc which helps brain function.

If your mood is low or you’re suffering anxiety, what we want to do is eat some nourishing foods for the entire system. It’s all about holistic health

‘Another easy breakfast that you’ll love is porridge because it’s rich in B vitamin’s that are so nourishing for the brain and to level out any anxiety you may have.’

MORE: 30 day smoothie challenge – start today

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Chickpeas will help to steady your blood sugar level.

‘Other foods that I love are chickpeas, lentils and pulses. They steady the blood sugar level and remember that steady blood sugar level means a steadier and happier you.’

MORE: Meat-free Monday recipe: Tabbouleh with chickpeas and pomegranate

What to avoid

‘Cut down on too much meat, caffeine and alcohol and let’s look at natural things. If your plate is beige, if all your foods are sandwiches, croissants, biscuits or cereal, that’s not going to help you with mood, that’s going to keep your blood sugar levels going up and down. Therefore, your cravings aren’t so good.’

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Alcohol will play a big role in how your mood is affected.

Supplements to help your mood

‘One of the best supplements you can take to help you with mood is a B complex, they are sometimes known as energy B formulas. They’re terrific because they nourish and restore the nervous system, which is what we want, helping to keep it nice and steady.

‘The other thing to think about is just regular vitamin C. Vitamin C helps with the adrenal glands, if the adrenal glands are stressed out you’ll probably go up and down like a yo-yo in mood, so it’s good to nourish them.

‘Another supplement to look at is 5HTP which also aids brain function’

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Spirulina will help you for brain function

‘Coming back to something a little bit more simple, algal oil, fish oil or spirulina all those that give you healthy omegas are great for brain function

‘There are so many for the mind but I have to mention the gut connection. A lot of research lately around probiotics, mental health and mood so make sure if your gut function or digestion function isn’t great take some probiotics.

‘What you’ve got to do is rebuild the nervous system, it’s not a quick fix but these should help you.’

MORE: 30 foods to boost your mood

Picture of Rick Ray, nutrition physiologist

Rick Hay is an Anti-Ageing and Fitness Nutritionist with many years clinical experience in nutrition, naturopathy, botanical medicine and iridology. He specializes in obesity treatment and weight management. He writes a regular Natural Health and Fitness Blog for Healthista. Find out more at Follow Rick on Twitter @nutritiomalphys

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