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30 day challenges

forward fold pose

30 day yoga challenge

How to do Forward Fold – Yoga Pose – Day 26

Want to learn how to stretch your hamstrings and legs properly? Sarah Malcolm explains Forward Fold Pose in Day 26 of our 30 Day Yoga Challenge

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for weight loss – cleansing cucumber

Get ready for a brilliant 60 second smoothie for weight loss aimed to help cleanse and rejuvenate your body created by nutritionist Rick Hay


Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for weight loss – peachy pineapple

Need a holiday on a tropical beach but don't have time? Try this 60 second smoothie for weight loss, from nutritionist Rick Hay, and you'll be in Peachy Pineapple Paradise.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for mood – Day 27 Velvety Smooth Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for mood – velvety smooth

If you're looking for easy smoothie recipes, then you've come to the right place. Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 27, Velvety Smooth - best smoothie for mood.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for cleansing– Day 26 Green Detox Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for cleansing – green detox

If you're looking for easy smoothie recipes, then you've come to the right place. Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 26, Green Detox - best smoothie for cleansing.

60 second smoothies - best smoothie for energy – Day 25 creamy coconut Healthista

Smoothie challenge

60 second smoothie for energy – creamy coconut

Try Healthista's 30-day 60 second smoothie challenge, created by Nutritionist Rick Hay. This is day 25, Creamy Coconut- best smoothie for energy.