Need a natural pick me up? Healthista’s Nutrition Director, Rick Hay, explains why taking the herb rhodiola can reduce stress and help concentration
Over the past decade we have developed a vast understanding of what the body needs to function optimally. Nutrients, minerals and vitamins have a key role to play in the way we feel mentally and there are a number of supplements and superfoods that can act as natural highs to boost mood, energy, improve sleep and give us a sense of well being. One of those is rhodiola.
Rick Hay, Healthista’s Nutrition Director says: ‘Rhodiola has been used for centuries in both traditional Chinese and Russian medicine as a herb which can help fight stress.
‘I’m sure you will agree that if you are stressed out if you’re not sleeping properly, if you’re anxious, that it is harder to focus, I think this herb is particularly useful if you are suffering with concentration difficulties.
‘There is an ingredient in rhodiola called rosavin which has the ability to decrease the stress hormones called cortisol, leaving us feeling more focused.
‘Rhodiola also has the ability to improve the oxygen capacity inside our red blood cells, which can help provide us with more energy.
You can also expect to feel a boost in mood as rhodiola aids production of dopamine and serotonin, the body’s feel good hormones.
‘I recommend taking liquid drops, you can take it once or twice a day’.
TRY: Nature’s Answer, Rhodiola Root, £11.99 for 30ml
More in Healthista’s Natural Highs series:
Got depression? Here’s why taking omega 3s could help
Got low energy? Here’s why a probiotic could help
The natural insomnia fix you’ve never heard of
Rick Hay is an Anti-Ageing and Fitness Nutritionist with many years clinical experience in nutrition, naturopathy, botanical medicine and iridology. He specializes in obesity treatment and weight management. He writes a regular Natural Health and Fitness Blog for Healthista. Find out more at Follow Rick on Twitter @rickhayuk
Rick Hays book the Anti Ageing Food and Fitness Plan is available to buy on Amazon.
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