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TEAM GB Para-cycling team needs recruits

British Cycling’s world-leading GB Para-cycling team is searching for new female Paralympic champions.

There are potential gaps and medals to be won amongst the current female para-cycling squad and GB Para-cycling want to fill them.

Karen Darke poses with the silver medal she won in the womens Individual H1-2 time Trial held at Brands Hatch Motor Racing Circuit, Kent.  Paralympics London 2012 - ParalympicsGB - Cycling..... 05/09/2012. (Photo: Phil Searle/ParalympicsGB)
Karen Darke poses with the silver medal she won in the womens Individual H1-2 time Trial held at Brands Hatch Motor Racing Circuit, Kent. Paralympics London 2012 – ParalympicsGB – Cycling….. 05/09/2012. (Photo: Phil Searle/ParalympicsGB)

Sporty British women and girls with a passion to represent the country and be the very best in their field should contact British Cycling now.

And the best bit is no prior experience of riding on a velodrome track is necessary.

The drive is being backed by London 2012 Paralympic silver medallist Karen Darke and talent Assessment events are happening this month.

From a minor or major impairment to a limb, those who are visually impaired or have spinal injuries, to amputees or women with cerebral palsy they want women from all para-cycling classifications to get in touch.

Karen said: ‘There is no better feeling than being on a podium at a Paralympic Games and feeling an immense sense of pride and achievement at being crowned the world’s best. A structured programme and a great team will be behind you.’

GB Para-cycling said they especially hope women who competed in sport before an accident will come forward ready to give participation another shot.

Or perhaps you are a friend or family member of a woman you think has sports potential? GB Para-cycling are also calling for you to contact them and put a name forward.


Sophie Thornhill, 17, is a visually impaired cyclist who joined the Paralympic Development Programme in May 2013.

She told GB Para-cycling: ‘I was born with Oculocutaneous albinism which basically means I’ve got about 10% of my sight. My ultimate goal is to compete at the Paralympics in Rio, but I’d also like to go to the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow next year. This year, my target is the National Track Championships. I’d like to get a couple of National titles.’

If we’ve managed to persuade you, and you fit the criteria (see below) email


  • Your name,
  • phone number,
  • and a brief description of their impairment.


  • Aged 16+
  • An existing UK Passport holder (or being eligible for one)
  • A sporty background (although not necessarily at national level)
  • The team is looking for women and girls across all para-cyling classifications including those who are visually impaired, lower limb amputees (single or double, above or below knee), cerebral palsy, spinal injuries, minor impairments (such as mild impairment to one arm, moderate impairment to one leg, loss of part of the arm).
  • A desire and determination to be the world’s best
  • Ability to commit to the programme

Karen said: ‘I’d advise all sporty women and girls out there to dream big. There is nothing to lose in applying to British Cycling and so, so much to be gained.’

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