What on earth is a monomeal you ask? It’s a meal made up of completely one food, eaten for a number of meals – or days – in a row – usually in the form of one raw fruit or vegetable.
People all around Twitter and Instagram are posting photos of their fruit/veggie of choice then hashtagging (#monomeal) indicating that’s the food they are eating for a few days or a few meals to ‘lose weight’ or to ‘get healthy’. For example:
Now, how is this even logical? The talk around the interweb is that eating one food won’t overtax the digestive system and it won’t make it multitask. This might cause ‘leaky gut syndrome’ which quite technically isn’t recognized as a medical diagnosis anyway.
Besides the obvious reasons for not participating in these types of diets, here are just a few to keep you entertained:
a. Don’t base your whole diet on fruit because fruits are quite high in sugar. Also, you need a variety of different foods because it’ll ensure you get all the nutrients you need – first year stuff I know.
b. Fruits are pretty acidic so this will effect negatively on your stomach and digestive system along with the whiteness of your teeth.
c. How bored would you be if you only had one food for days? You’d probably get sick of it and never eat it again. Don’t do that to yourself, or the fruit.
As we all know, a healthy diet includes a variety of foods, fruits and veggies. Sticking to one isn’t the best way to lose weight, you’ll find yourself lacking energy. Plus, women need at least 46 grams of protein a day, an orange has 0.9 g. you do the maths.
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