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WE LOVE: Pollen and Grace healthy food delivery service – if you’re as busy as we are you’ll LOVE this idea (the food is sensational)

Pollen & Grace Photoshoot 2, pollen and grace, by

Your lunch will never be the same again, forget soggy salads, Pollen and Grace deliver delicious and nutritious food straight to your door.

We are a sucker for all things healthy and tasty in the Healthista offices, so when our Pollen and Grace lunch turned up it is fair to say our tummies were very happy.They are vibrant, guilt free, nutrient dense and packed with beautifully designed goodness.

The menu is always changing ensuring you and your taste buds will never bore of the choices. Each box is tailored to your own dietary needs – if they can cater for us they can cater for you – seriously we are picky. With gluten, dairy and nut intolerance’s plus choosing the vegan option, it is safe to say Pollen and Grace have got ‘tailored nutrition’ covered.

Our meals included two salad boxes with protein packed lentils, sweet potato a mixture of superfood greens, and beetroot. The salad was so nutrient dense and filling on it’s own we didn’t even need our desserts – but of course we ate them anyway… The meat option was an salmon salad with orange segments that looked stunning.

orange and fennel salad from pollen and grace

The desserts were bliss balls, one made using nuts and natural sweeteners and the other without nuts. They were coated is dessicated coconuts and left you feeling like you were dining on cloud 9.


matcha balls we love pollen and grace

Not to be forgotten was the amazing beetroot and spinach juices that keep your blood sugar levels regulated and give your bodies an internal cleanse.

juices pollen and grace
Normally around 4pm our cravings start which is when we go digging around in our healthy fridge, this was definitely not the case with Pollen and Grace. The meals keep you feeling fuller for so much longer than the average lunch, and they even cater for events and offices across London.


 protein balls we love pollen and grace



Salads: £8.50
Juices: £3.50
Snacks: £2.50

Delivery is free of charge within areas of West and South West London, to the following post codes: W1, W4, W6, W14, SW1, SW3, SW5, SW6, SW7, SW11, SW18. However, don’t worry if you are not in the free delivery area, they can also deliver anywhere in London with 24 hours notice for a £5 delivery fee.


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