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Why is my vagina dry during sex FEATURED


Why is my vagina dry during sex?

Too embarrassed to ask your doctor the question: 'why is my vagina dry during sex?' We asked leading gynaecologist Dr Vanessa Mackay for you

Can you date while living with mental health conditions The answer is yes. FEATURED


Mental Health and Dating: navigating relationships when you have anxiety or depression

Mental Health and Dating - Healthista spoke with Allison Raskin to discuss how to navigate relationships when you have anxiety or depression 

harvey weinstein FEATURED (1)


How to spot a sexual predator – the 8 characteristics

Harvey Weinstein has been found guilty of sexual assaults, including rape. We ask therapist Leonie Adamson from the video counselling app Dr Julian how to spot the signs of a sexual predator 

First date dread 5 ways to end your dating drought this winter FEATURE


First date dread? 5 ways to end your dating drought this winter

First date dread? Given up on online dating? Fitafy’s relationship expert, Charlene Douglas reveals 5 ways to end your dating drought this winter 

5 common dating mistakes you could be making FEATURED


5 common dating mistakes you could be making

Unlucky in love? Attracting the wrong people? 5 dating mistakes you could be making, according to Charlene Douglas, sex and dating therapist at Fitafy

Erectile dysfunction - your questions answered FEATURED


Erectile dysfunction – your questions answered

Erectile dysfunction is more common than you think. Whether you're looking to learn about impotence to help your partner or need some advice yourself, we've got the answers to help