Whether it’s this rotten Tube strike or s*&t going down at work, there’s only one thing for a bad mood – music (hard drugs aside). Here’s our extremely schizophrenic every-era-and-genre-catered-for instant feelgood playlist
1. Beautiful noise, Neil Diamond Let’s open with our Ladies’ Favourite
2. Don’t stop Believin’ Journey sooo feel good – got to love those old-school sexy rockers and their mullets
3. Haim, Don’t Save me Mid-life crisis – who cares?
4. Jackson, June Carter and Johhny Cash could they have any more chemistry?
5. Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves, Cher Okay so the story isn’t the happiest (she was born in the wagon of a travelling show and her mama had to dance for the money they’d throw…) but it’s Cher and it’s the coolest vintage tune we have ever heard
6. Delilah, Tom Jones again, not the happiest tune – sounds a bit like he is stalking her and slightly losing his marbles but hey, it’s Tom Jones – could he be any more gorgeous? And that warm Welsh wilt. Swoon.
7. Lovers in Japan, Coldplay even if it’s Coldplay!
8. Unwritten, Natasha Bedingfield kind of makes you feel better about everything – whatever everything is – doesn’t it?
9. The Climb, Miley Cyrus So cheesy. So good.
10. Basket Case, Green Day puts it all in perspective really. Then there’s Billy Joe….
11. Good Riddance, Green Day okay, I like Green Day.
12. We are young, Fun
13. You got it, New Kids on the Block What’s not to love nineties kids? Will there EVER be another boy band like them?
14. Up The Junction, Squeeze vintage hipster fabulousness
15. Ballroom Blitz, Sweet Try staying glum with this on punters
16. Matthew, John Denver Gorgeous. Period.
17. I will wait, Mumford and Sons dee-vinely uplifting
18. She, Elvis Costello slower pace but the sentiment makes our heart sing – who doesn’t want to be loved like that?
19. Take on Me, Aha Oh Morton, how we loved you
What’s your favourite instant feel good song? Tell us in the comments to be in with a chance to win a Healthista Pamper Hamper
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