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TESTED Josie Gibson’s new 21 Day Fat Burn DVD

Phew – It’s day 9 of Healthista’s get-fit-in-your-living room challenge and a knackered editor Anna Magee tried Josie’s 21 Day Fat Burn from Big Brother winner Josie Gibson 

‘I’ve lot nine stone stone in total,’ says reality telly star Josie Gibson in the intro to her new DVD, which came out on December 30. I wasn’t sure what to expect as the jacket didn’t specify the lengths of the workouts, only Josie’s staggering weight loss, definitely a drawcard. After winning the final series in Channel 4’s Big Brother in 2010 Gibson got out of the house, lost four stone and then quickly put it back on again. She has since qualified as a personal trainer and lost all that weight again and plenty more.

Josie Gibson leaving the Big Brother house in 2010 after being crowned the winner
Josie Gibson leaving the Big Brother house in 2010 after being crowned the winner
Josie last year showing off her nine stone weight loss
Josie last year showing off her nine stone weight loss

Josie presents the DVD with her trainer James Stark.

Josie Gibson and her trainer James Stark co-present the DVD
Josie Gibson and her trainer James Stark co-present the DVD

At one point my husband, lying in bed this morning could hear only my groans between Josie’s high-pitched screaming of ‘Hit the deck’…’Hit the deck’…’Hit the deck’. That’s one of the moves, a deadly one.  He came in to the living room and said, bleary eyed:  ‘It sounds like someone is calling a sinking ship evacuation.’ Which adequately describes the panic your fat will feel during the workout. Seriously, make no mistake – this is one tough mother of a workout and if you’re looking to get proper fit quickly, it could be your thing.

There are three workouts altogether. Josie suggests doing all three of them at least three times a week. I did them all and they took about an hour. An hour of hell. But as all the workouts come with their own warm up and cool down, I imagine they needn’t all be done together and can be fitted in as and when you can do them.

Here’s a rundown:

Workout one: The 40 second blast – 20 minutes of interval training featuring exercising hard for 40 seconds and resting for 20 seconds and designed to help burn fat and increase your metabolic rate. It features two circuits of eight high intensity exercises like jogging on the spot, jumping jacks with arm exercises, twisting planks and jog punches.

Workout two: The Strength Workout – Uses dumbbells to build muscle (more muscles helps burn fat). ‘Remember strong is the new skinny’ says Josie during the harder bits. Moves are slow and controlled and include deep ‘prisoner squats’, that’s squatting as deeply as you can and then lifting the weights high over your head,  lots of abdominal work along with lunges with bicep curls and my pet-hate, press ups. Lots of press ups.

Workout Three: The 15 second Blast – This was my favourite because it was all done and dusted in about seven minutes. Seven minutes in which I thought I might expire, mind you. It’s based on research showing short, high intensity interval training gets you fit fast.  You do tougher-than-tough things like deep jumping squats for 15 seconds, then rest for ten seconds and repeat that FOUR times before being allowed to rest for a minute. There are about six different exercises involved in this torturous hell including that ‘Hit the deck’ which is like a burpee on illegal drugs. I was a groaning and sweaty mess at the end, which I guess is the point.

My suspicion is that if you did this DVD three times a week you can’t fail to lose weight and get fit.

Josie Gibson’s 21 Day Fat Burn £13.75 (from Amazon)



josie_gibson dvd coverPROS Great workout if you want to get fit  and lose weight quickly, it balances strength training and cardio well. There’s a fitness test you can take weekly to help you keep challenging yourself to work harder. Good variety in the moves so you won’t get bored.

CONS There’s no modifications, easier or low impact options for beginners or people with ankle or knee problems who can’t jump or run.

Healthista rating: 4/5



12 dvds

Sign up to our Daily Dose newsletter or share this on Twitter or Facebook and you could win all 12 of the DVDs we review. Great way to start 2012!

Note: Healthista has purchased all the DVDs in this review – they’re not press gifts

Read other reviews in the Healthista 12 days of Christmas Get-fit-in-your-living room DVD challenge:


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