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Healthy Recipes

Have you tried the new slow juicing? We bring you a kale, apple, pear and lime juice recipe made with Hurom’s brilliant slow juicer

green juices

Nothing feels as good as rewarding yourself with a green juice; Heathista have just received a brand new slow juicer from Hurom and we are green with happiness…

Unlike commercial juices, Hurom’s slow juicer gently squeezes the fruits and vegetables rather than grinding them to secure the optimum taste and nutrition from the ingredients. Hurom’s juicer can be used to make tofu, nut milks and smoothies as well as delicious and nutrient dense fruit and vegetable juices.

Fruits and vegetables are an amazing source of vitamins, minerals, and dietary fibre that we should be incorporating in our everyday diet. It can be difficult to get your five a day when you are constantly on the go, which is why opting for a green juice can be quick and easy.


Hurom’s slow juicer is not only eco-friendly and very quiet, but it is the best possible way to ensure you don’t lose any of the nutrients in your ingredients. By pressing the fruits and vegetables on a low speed, Hurom ensures that heat, friction and oxidation are kept to a minimum.

Enzymes can become damaged if they are heated above 40°C. If you lack enzymes in your body you will be unable to break down materials within the body and therefore suffer with symptoms such as fatigue or skin and digestive disruptions. Hurom’s juicer creates cold-pressed juices in order to keep active enzymes within the fruits and vegetables.

We have created this delicious cold-pressed green juice that tastes delicious and will give you a huge energy boost.

Kale, apple, lime and pear juice


1/2 Pear
1/2 Apple
Handful of Kale
1 lime


Hurom’s slow juicer is available from Slow Juice

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