If your starting to work towards a happier, healthier you – a Sunday Reset may be a good place to start, says Freeletics Training and Nutrition Specialist David Wiener
If you’ve not heard of a Sunday Reset before, essentially, it’s when you use your Sunday to prepare for the week ahead.
Whether it’s preparing all your lunches for the week, self-care, cleaning the house, sleeping, or exercising, however you chose to ‘reset’ on a Sunday, it can be exactly what you need to live a happier, healthier life.
A Sunday Reset will differ from person to person, but it should have the same goal, to start the week well rested and as clear-headed as possible.
Here’s how a Sunday Reset could help you…
#1 Rest & and relax to manage Monday blues
Resetting over the weekend can help to alleviate the dread and anxiety that some people feel on a Monday.
Feelings of anxiety and stress can raise our cortisol levels making it harder to maintain your body’s sleep-wake cycle which in turn can make you feel worse and more tired.
Using your Sunday to reset, relax and tackle tasks which can become too much in the week may help you to feel less pressured, reducing stress and encouraging positivity and a can-do attitude
#2 Journal to stick to a plan & reduce stress
Using your Sunday reset to journal can be an effective way to cope with the week ahead and ensure you are prepared.
To journal effectively, you should write down what you’ve got planned for the week and what you need to prepare and want to achieve.
You can use your journal like a diary, scheduling necessary tasks such as work commitments, chores, social occasions and time for self-care, like exercising or reading.
an effective way to cope with the week ahead
Studies show that journaling can significantly reduce mental distress and promote greater resilience and they’re also helpful as a visualisation tool, encouraging you to think about what you want to achieve and how you can realistically get there.
#3 Exercise for more energy
The NHS recommends 150 minutes of exercise each week, but any exercise is better than none, and including exercise as part of your Sunday Reset is a great way to give your body and mind the chance to do something positive and release mood-boosting endorphins.
If you don’t want to spend your Sunday at the gym, a lot of progress can be made from home or by heading outdoors for a walk, run or cycle.
Fitness apps like Freeletics are a brilliant way to get familiar with exercise and create a sustainable fitness regime which will help you to reach your goals without having to set foot in a gym.
With Freeletics you’re able to build workouts based on your goals and fitness level. The app also includes a Mindset program with audio courses which can help you to develop healthy habits and stick to them.
#3 Meal prep to help with healthy eating
You can use your Sunday reset to think about the quality of food you’re eating and take steps to prepare things from scratch rather than relying on pre-packaged or convenience foods.
A diet high in processed foods is linked to issues like fatigue, irritability and low energy levels, so by taking time to meal plan and prep it is likely you’ll feel better and more energized.
Planning your meals and buying the ingredients can help to reduce food waste
If you can batch cook on a Sunday, you can take some of the pressure off yourself in the week, but you don’t necessarily have to make all meals in advance.
Planning your meals and buying the ingredients can help to reduce food waste and research also shows that it can lead to a more varied, higher-quality diet.
#4 Get outside to boost your Vitamin D levels
Depending on how hot it is outside, exposing your skin to sunshine and heading into the great outdoors as part of your Sunday Reset can help to boost your mood by increasing the levels of serotonin and tryptophan in the body.
Vitamin D can also help to enhance your immunity and reduce inflammation in the body which can be the precursor for chronic diseases.
#5 Have a lie in or nap to catch up on some much-needed sleep
When the week starts, you may have to get up to an alarm and work or socialize until late, meaning you may not get us much sleep as you need to function optimally.
Over the week, this can accumulate, so using your Sunday Reset for a lie-in or afternoon nap can help you catch up on some sleep and take a well-deserved rest.
If sleep will dorm part of your Sunday Rese, make sure you don’t affect your normal sleep routine, as this could then have the opposite effect. It’s all about recognizing what your body needs and taking the opportunity to really look after yourself.
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