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bad partners FEATURED


Why am I always attracted to bad partners?

Are you're always attracted to narcissists, players and abusive types? Psychotherapist Emmy Brunner has advice to help stop the cycle


What’s your attachment style? The relationship advice everyone needs

Sexual and Relationships Psychotherapist Kate Moyle explains, as part of our newly launched Healthista Collective (see below)



Are you addicted to love?

Michelle Zelli discovered her own addiction to love after 40 years of bouncing between painfully toxic relationships. She shares 11 signs you might be addicted to love and how to overcome them

7 secrets to lasting passion and sexual satisfaction by the world’s best-selling relationship expert-healthista


7 ways to fall back in love from the world’s best-selling relationship expert

John Gray, author of the phenomenal Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus series of best-selling books, has advice

Anna and Anton Love Island FEATURE


Do all humans have a type…on paper?

'He's definitely my type on paper' - ah Love Island is back and so is this well-known phrase. Ever wondered why you are attracted to a certain type? Psychologist and author, Audrey Tang, explains the psychological laws of attraction 

april kirkwood, narcissist, relationship, signs, healthista


12 signs you’re in a relationship with a narcissist

If you see these signs in your marriage or relationship, put on your best pair of Nikes and run, says counsellor April Kirkwood, who lived through it