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What is namaste? Fitopedia series continues

Can’t tell your downward dog from your shivasana? That’s why Healthista’s Fitopedia series can help: decoding fitness lingo.This week, Jessica Stewart, Yoga teacher, explains the meaning of namaste in yoga. ‘We often say the word namaste at the beginning and the end of a Yoga class but many people have no idea what this means. Namaste […]


What are compound movements? Celebrity trainer explains

Compound movements are the Holy Grail of resistance training. Nicola Addison brings you another Fitopedia video fix ('cos it's all about the education, innit?)

weights, what are the weight lifting equipment terms? fitopedia series by


5 weightlifting terms every girl who lifts needs

This week in Fitopedia, Nicola Addison, personal trainer of Eqvvs training who trains models Elle Macpherson, Daisy Lowe and Erin O'Connor explains five weightlifting terms every girl who lifts needs

#Fitopedia- What is a superset- Healthista feature


What is a superset? Fitopedia series continues

Can’t tell your macros from your micros? Neither can we. That’s why Healthista’s bringing you a brand new series called Fitopedia: decoding fitness lingo. This week, David Marshall, owner of Royal Docks Crossfit, explains a superset

Healthista Fitopedia: What are push and pull movements? feature


What are push and pull movements? Fitopedia series continues

Can't tell your macros from your micros? Neither can we. That's why Healthista's bringing you a brand new series called Fitopedia: decoding fitness lingo. This week, David Marshall, owner of Royal Docks Crossfit, explains push and pull movements


What is AMRAP? New Fitopedia video series explaining fitness-speak

Can't tell your macros from your supersets? Neither can we. That's why Healthista's bringing you a brand new series called Fitopedia decoding fitness lingo. This week, David Marshall, coach and owner at Royal Docks Crossfit explains AMRAP