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6 new body trends for summer

Healthista’s Bodyologist blogger Helen Foster brings you the hot new body trends you need this summer – from healthy ice creams to body wraps that actually do something
1. Healthy Ice Creams
Okobay_resizedIt’s warming up and a wave of healthy cool downs have launched accordingly – from the internet trend for kale juice lollies (bleurgh), the surprisingly yummy wasabi sorbets from Yi (pronounced why – see, Whey-Hey’s new protein boosted push ups and the sugar free Perfect World range (both at Holland & Barrett), it’s all going bonkers in the freezer aisle. My fave of those I’ve tried so far though is OkoBay’s Coconut Water Ice, £1.49. Made from coconut water it’s taken them two years to produce. It’s seriously refreshing and just 63 calories. I’ve also had a sneak peek at their upcoming coconut ice cream and that’s worth waiting for too. You’ll find the Ice’s in Tescos, Wholefoods, Planet Organic and more.
2. Story-sizing
Screen shot 2014-06-02 at 2.01.26 PMForget listening to music while you workout, June is the month for moving to stories. Not only does hitting certain step targets unlock new chapters in the cool app The Walk with its apocalyptic invasion tale (see my review at audiobook company are offering those who sign up to this Summer’s Run to Work day initiative (which launches June 5th) a free download to run to. As the name suggests, the idea is that on the first Thursday for every month you swap the train for your trainers, hit the road for your commute – and donate the fare you save to charity. See more at and share your commute on #runtoworkday.
3. Hemsley Hemsley, the book
The Art of Eating Well final cover
It doesn’t launch until June 19th, but get your pre-order in now for The Art of Eating Well £25 by healthy eating sisters and super-successful bloggers the Hemsley sisters . I’m sworn to secrecy as to exactly what’s in it, but every page of the carefully guarded copy on my desk makes me want to cook (and that’s saying something as I’m normally a kitchen phobe). Admittedly, it’s not one for carb lovers (many recipes are mostly grain free – and you won’t find gluten in it) but my prediction is, work your way through this lot and you won’t miss them.
4. New Lipolift Pro Body Wrap
bodyWhen the release for a bodywrap that caused permanent fat loss appeared on my desk my b*llshit detector went off so loudly it hurt my ears. Once I heard more though I could see why it could work. The wrap is used alongside proven technologies like ultrasound to dissolve fat cells and radiofrequency to tighten skin. They claim the wrap powers up the effects. I still got on the table a sceptic. Much pummelling later, I got off an inch smaller round my stomach. ‘It’ll be back by Friday’ I thought. A month later that’s increased to two inches. Now whether the wrap boosted the results more than just having the other treatments alone, I can’t say for sure but I can’t deny inches have gone and they’ve stayed gone. It costs from £100 a session – and you do only need one to get results. See more at or my full review on
5. Anna Kaiser online workouts
anna kaiser
Making waves big time in the US at the moment, this trainer to stars like Sarah Jessica Parker and Shakira is famed for her dance cardio classes that don’t just work your lungs but tone your body too. So, why should you care? Because a few days ago she launched her online workout subscription service to which you can sign up at However, a little birdy (called Google) told me you can also find some of her workouts on youtube for free.  I can now report that the Booty Burning one on there definitely hits the spot!
6. Star jumps before dinner

This month I have mostly been doing star jumps in my kitchen. Why? Because of an intriguing study from New Zealand’s University of Otago which showed six one minute bursts of exercise about 30 minutes before meals actually lowers blood sugar levels after them – important for helping reduce fat storage (and overall health). Obviously I can’t measure if it’s making any difference to my personal levels, but I’m sure it’s amusing the neighbours no end.

helen full lengthHealthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen.

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Healthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen. – See more at:
Healthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen. – See more at:
Healthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen. – See more at:
Healthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen. – See more at:
Healthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen. – See more at:
Healthista’s Bodyologist Helen Foster blogs daily on all things health, fitness and diet related. Follow her @healthehelen. – See more at:


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