Need a lift? New research has found that laughing really does make you feel better – so we asked our readers for their funniest comedy moments for a fast mood fix
Watching a funny TV clip has been revealed as the most effective and efficient way to deal with feeling low, new research has found. In fact, one in six people said watching something funny on TV altered their mood the most the study (from the creators of the Deep Relief Pain Relief Gel) found. Healthista asked our readers to send in their favourite comedy clips from TV shows to films and we chose 10 top moments for a quick mood-enhancing laugh. It’s healthier than drugs, after all.
Only Fools and Horses – Batman and Robin scene
The classic scene from Only Fools and Horses is `genius` according to teacher Angela Demetriou. `It’s the build up of the scene and the way writer John Sullivan cleverly incorporates the story of Councillor Murray being robbed to the idea of Batman and Robin coming to save the day. The fact Del is Batman instead of Rodney makes the scene even funnier because the sidekick is usually smaller than the leading part.`
Jimmy Kimmel – I ate my kids’ Halloween candy
US TV host, Jimmy Kimmel, seems to enjoy making kids cry. For the past three years, he has asked parents to tell their children that they have eaten all their Halloween candy…and film their reactions. Whilst some kids `throw terrible but hilarious tantrums, others give the cutest responses despite their initial dismay` states Mathematics and Computer science student Dora Petrou. This is a must-watch for everyone – not just parents.
The Inbetweeners – Dance scene
Everyone loves to indulge in the award winning The Inbetweeners from time to time. We had several clips sent in of the guys getting into embarrassing situations but the dance had to get a mention. As writer Helen Foster states: `Everything about it is brilliant. From Neil’s bad fake tan, to their facial expressions but my favourite bit is Will’s little horsey move. When I saw it in the cinema I was crying with laughter. Anything that makes you laugh that much deserves to be repeated.` We completely agree. Enjoy.
Spanish and Portuguese student Danielle Lazarus sent in the tanning scene from Friends because Ross, who prides himself on being intelligent, `can’t do the simplest of tasks and ends up coming out with a tan of ten instead of a two.` Of course, the reaction he gets also adds to the hilarity of the situation, especially when Ross says `I went to that tanning place your wife suggested` and Chandler retorts `Was that place the Sun?`
Stoning scene in Life of Brian
In true Monty Python fashion, they make something awful hilarious. `It’s the way the stoning rapidly escalates and how John Cleese, who’s meant to have authority, gets completely overthrown by the crowd. The fact men are acting as women who are then acting as men makes the clip all the more amusing with the crowd retorting in high pitched voices `she did` to suddenly low voices `he did` says insurer Steve Heylap.
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