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When did porridge get so posh? Not only are there new hand-bag friendly pop up pots of oats in perfect portions and novel high protein versions to satisfy the Atkins-lot, there’s also a new slew of oat-based body potions celebrating oats as a superfood for the outer as well as the inner you.  Say goodbye to that bog standard bowl of slop and hello to the new Oat Couture. 

The high protein porridge ready in two minutes

For people on low-carb diets such paleo or Atkins, smoothies made with whey protein have become something of a breakfast du jour.  But it’s winter and most of us hardly well, warm to the idea of making a giant smoothie with ice cubes, fruit and whey protein and drinking it cold.  But high protein breakfasts keep you going longer and have been shown to lead to eating less during the day. Enter the new Oats and Whey High Protein Porridge from USN. It contains 21 grams of protein and only 232 calories, plus you simply add boiling water, stir, leave to sit for a couple of minutes and your bowl of hot deliciousness is ready. It does contain sugar and sweeteners though it’s not too sweet.  We loved it with fresh raspberries and almond milk and it meant no snacking until lunch.

The pop-up pot for your handbag

Hopping pots

GrasshopperPotsTried and tested at Healthista HQ, Grasshopper Porridge is great for a hassle-free desk safe breakfast that you could tuck straight into your coat pocket. Grasshopper in name grasshopper in nature, for when hot water is poured into the flat pack, it leaps up into the air and transforms into a full-sized pot! Well, maybe not as acrobatic as that, but certainly it’s a clever and functional concept. Grasshopper Porridge comes in cinnamon and raisin, coconut and date, and a simple cane sugar flavour, all varieties made from 100% natural flavours. The Grasshopper brand has also produced soups and noodles, so you can be ‘hoppy’ as Larry at any mealtime.

The lunchbox just for your oats

Now maybe you’d rather make your own porridge and bring it in, but haven’t overcome the think-its-seal-tight-but-oh-god-it’s-going-everywhere problem. Sistema’s new Porridge To Go should be on your list to Santa. The four ‘klip it’ clips make spillage impossible, and all you need to do is pop your oats and milks inside, click the steam vent open, place it in the microwave and in a few minutes it’s done. The Porridge To Go has a 850ml capacity, and comes in five different colours; red, purple, green, blue and (Healthista’s favourite) pink! It retails at around £5.99 and can be found at Amazon, Robert Dyas, ASDA and Lakeland.

The one to soothe your itchy legs 

So we know that porridge is good for our insides, but what about our outsides too? Applying oats to your skin can help relieve from dryness, itchyness or irritation. We know it’s Children In Need soon, but no one wants to be sitting in a bathtub full of porridge. Relax in an oat water bath with an Oat Soak bath sachet from the Skin shop. Instead of swelling, these pure colloidal oats, which are much finer than your regular, remain suspended in the water, and are therefore easy to wash away too. An oat water bath will help with common skin conditions like eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, shingles and impetigo, as well as heat rashes, nettle rashes, and general inflammation. It’ll make any skin lovely and smooth, and is an all-natural product. Ooh, I could do with one right now.

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