The benefits of the alkaline diet are said to include higher energy levels, fat loss, increased concentration and clearer skin. Nutritionist and blogger Laura Wilson – herself a convert – explains and brings you five easy ways to alkalise your life
I’ve been following the alkaline diet for over ten years and have never felt better. I went from an overweight, unfit smoker in my 20s to a lean, fit, vibrant marathon runner in my mid 30s. Having trained as a natural health nutritionist, I have coached many people who have experienced similar health transformations following a pH-balanced and plant-based diet.
The alkaline diet is not a faddy diet; it’s a proven healthy eating lifestyle that works long-term as well as providing great short-term weight-loss and higher-energy benefits.
I went from an overweight, unfit smoker in my 20s to a lean, fit, vibrant marathon runner in my mid 30s
There are many famous and savvy followers of the alkaline and plant-based diet, including Victoria Beckham, Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone, Jennifer Aniston, Kirsten Dunst and Jared Leto, to name a few – who certainly all look great.
The basics of the alkaline diet are all about working in harmony with your body’s ‘acid-alkaline’ balance and about keeping your blood maintained at a slightly alkaline pH of 7.365.
There are alkaline foods that will easily help to maintain your blood’s pH and other acidic foods that will cause a state of mini-emergency in your body as it struggles to do the best it can with below-par fuel.
If you overload your body with acidic foods, it uses its ‘buffer’ system to keep your blood within a tight range of its necessary pH, as deviating from this can be fatal.
Deviating from your bloods necessary pH this can be fatal
Lesser important functions in the body will be compromised, for example, alkaline minerals such as calcium will be leeched from the bones to alkalise the blood. Over the long term, this can cause osteoporosis.
In a nutshell, the alkaline diet is a healthy eating lifestyle based on eating foods that metabolise to leave an alkaline ‘ash’ of minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and copper. Foods are therefore classified as alkaline, acidic or neutral according to the pH of the solution created with their ash in water.
Oh and it has nothing to do with stomach acid or even the pH of foods in their physical form. For example, lemons are alkaline forming but acidic in their physical form.
It has nothing to do with stomach acid or even the pH of foods in their physical form
Ok, that’s the science bit over.
What are the benefits of an alkaline diet?
Major benefits can include:
- Anti-aging
- Better skin
- Sustained energy throughout the day
- Relatively effortless and sustainable fat loss
- Less aches and pains
- Better mood and a sense of peace and joy
- Greater powers of concentration
- Prevention and reversal of disease
What foods should I be eating?
In general it means eating lots of alkaline foods (i.e. alkaline forming foods), such as green vegetables, fruits, a small amount of nuts, seeds and healthy oils, taking dietary supplements, such as wheatgrass juice and drinking plenty of alkaline water.
It also means avoiding acidic foods, such as meat and dairy products, refined sugars, processed foods, artificial sweeteners, caffeine and alcohol.
The key in following the pH balance diet is to eat lots of whole, ripe, raw, organic fruits and vegetables.
My book The Alkaline 5 Diet has lots of tasty alkaline recipes and a 21-day meal plan that’s easy to follow and will help you to alkalise your body.
Benefits of The Alkaline 5 Diet
I wrote my book The Alkaline 5 Diet with five key criteria in mind – I wanted to put together a scientifically-proven diet plan that was simple, satisfying, sustainable, super-healthy and systematised (to take the guess-work and possibility of making mistakes away). I believe I’ve achieved that and it will help you on your path to your best health and attaining the best body.
A nice surprise when following A5D is that you’ll find you can eat large portions of really tasty food – no restricting carbs or small portions. You can eat big, hearty meals and lots of fresh fruit and things like pasta and potatoes in abundance. You’ll feel fully satisfied and it’s a simple and inexpensive plan to follow.
You can eat big, hearty meals and lots of fresh fruit and things like pasta and potatoes in abundance.
5 easy ways to alkalise your life
- Do ten deep-breathing exercises each morning – breathe in for a count of 3, hold your breath for a
count of six and breathe out for nine. This gives your cells an immediate alkaline boost.
Drink freshly squeezed lemon juice in warm water first thing – it’s highly alkalising and liver cleansing.
Eat a big, raw green salad on a regular basis – every day if possible.
Cut down on meat, dairy, processed and packaged foods, refined oils and alcohol. These are foods that cause an over-acidity in your body
Move your body – get out in the fresh air for a walk each day – it gets your lymph system moving and is a great alkaliser.
To find out more about The Alkaline 5 Diet, please visit the website.
Click here to purchase your copy of The Alkaline 5 Diet.
Laura Wilson is an experienced health coach and competitive athlete. She is a trained nutritionist and has researched nutrition and health for over 15 years. Find out more about Laura on her website.
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