We’ve all gone World Cup mad. Everyone seems glued to screens at local pubs, supporting (or hating) the various teams. Now playing it – well, that’s another matter. But there could be some health benefits in it though, says a new study
New research shows that playing football may help decrease blood pressure in women between the ages of 35 and 50. The findings, which was a collaboration between researchers across four countries was published in the June 2014 edition of Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports.
The study concluded that untrained women between 35 and 50 with mild high blood pressure saw a significant improvement in blood pressure and body fat. 41 women were randomly assigned to either a football training group or an inactive control group with the active group training for one hour three times a week for 15 weeks.
Professor Peter Krustrup of the University of Exeter said there were ‘impressive effects on blood pressure and body composition – we also saw a drop in cholesterol and a big improvement in physical fitness as a result.’ The study also found that the women enjoyed playing even if they had no prior experience and attendance was over 90 percent.
Interested in playing? The Football Association (FA) has an online database for women who want to play, volunteer or coach in football clubs across England.
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