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Fare Healthy London – The festival featuring some of the biggest names in health returns this weekend

Fare Healthy - The biggest health and wellbeing festival in London returns this weekend and we are ITCHING to go!

Fare Healthy is the one of the biggest health and wellbeing festivals in London. Check out what to expect this weekend whilst tickets are still selling 

If your gym seems a little quieter this weekend, or Whole Foods seemingly more spacious, there will be a reason. 8,000 healthy living inspired Londoners will be heading to the third Fare Healthy festival, at the Truman Brewery in Shoreditch, to mingle with huge influencers in the health and fitness community during exercise classes, food demos, book signings, shopping at every turn and expert panel discussions.

Fare healthy, biggest health and wellebing festival london, this weekend, by
The hustle and bustle at Fare Healthy

The co-founder of the festival, Rose Lloyd Owen’s, has an ambition to ‘inspire, entertain and motivate people to eat, move, think and, as a result, feel better’. So, the festival is split into three sections – Eat, Move and Think, where you can expect some familiar faces.

At the main stage, seating 200, there will be talks, panel discussions and cookery demonstrations from leading chefs, health experts and wellbeing personalities including Anna Jones (A Modern Way To Cook), Jasmine Hemsley (Hemsley and Hemsley), Valentine Warner (TV Chef) Natasha Corrett (Honestly Healthy), Ella Mills (Deliciously Ella), Uyen Luu (My Vietnamese Kitchen), Amelia Freer and Gaby Roslin. There will also be ‘Fare Healthy Discusses’ stages, with discussions on subjects such as organic farming, probiotics or natural sugars, as well as stories from founders of brands such as Pip & Nut and Propercorn.

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Deliciously Ella speaking at a previous Fare Healthy

There will also be varied exercise classes including Ballet Barre with Naturally Sassy and a HIIT workout with Clean Eating Alice. There will also be a Self-Love Surgery, Vitamix Stage,  and even a Kids Zone for parent and child cooking fun, with the help of experts.

The line-up is sure to get you tingling with excitement, so take a look at our best picks, where you may spot the Healthista team:

Ready Steady Cook Off: Natasha Corrett, Dale Pinnock, and Gaby Roslin

Fare Healthy - biggest health and wellbeing festival London returns this weekend (3)

The healthy eating stars Natasha, author of bestselling book Honestly Healthy, and Dale, also known as The Medicinal Chef, will be going head to head in a cook off. They will be given a bag of ingredients and a short time to create something unique, all whilst being interviewed by TV and Radio personality Gaby Roslin.

The Main Stage, 11.00-11.45, Saturday 4th February

Lululemon Visions and Goals, FH INSPIRES

We love Lululemon, a Canadian activewear brand who has just landed its European flagship store in Regent Street, eek! One of their speakers will be giving an inspiring talk based on their six core concepts in the Lululemon vision and goal setting programme. If you’re not feeling motivated for 2017 yet, perhaps this will open your eyes to the nitty-gritty of what needs doing.

11.00-11.45, Saturday 4th February

Business Stories: Deliciously Ella Livia’s Kitchen, and Pip and Nut

Fare Healthy - biggest health and wellbeing festival London returns this weekend (3)

Want to be the next big influencer, blogger or healthy café owner? Ella Mills, Olivia Wollenberg, and Pip Murray, owners of highly acclaimed brands, Deliciously Ella, Livia’s Kitchen and Pip and Nut, will speak of their journeys to success and what has driven them forward.

The Main Stage, 13.00-13.45, Sunday 5th February

The Skinny Bitch Collective, FH MOVES

Russell Bateman created a class mixing high intesntiy and animalistic movements, and it grew to a global phenomenon, popular with celebrities and the ‘cave-girl sorority’. Get involved in a class in huge demand, that will take you out of your comfort zone.

17.00-17.45, Sunday 5th February

Yoga Class with Michael James Wong + the Boys of Yoga 11.00 – 11.45

Fare Healthy - biggest health and wellbeing festival London returns this weekend (1)

Michael James Wong will head up his crew of boys to teach a mass yoga class guaranteed to gear you up for the first day of the festival. These boys, from all over the world, have a message for the world, saying ‘some guys think that yoga makes you less of a man, the truth is it makes you a better one. Yoga isn’t just for your mom, your sister or your girlfriend anymore. It’s time to smash the stereotype’.

11.00-11.45, Saturday 4th February.

The zero-waste Supper Club

Four renowned British chefs will be teaming up with Fare Healthy founder Rose Lloyd Owen to cook up a four-course menu that is organic, vegetarian, 100 per cent British, with absolutely no waste (which is Root to Fruit eating, meaning eating ingredients entirely, from their roots to stalks). The chefs are Tom Hunt, from Poco resteraunt, Gill Meller, head chef of River Cottage, Justin Horne, chef and founder of Tiny Leaf, London’s first zero waste restaurant, Tess Ward, chef, food writer and author of The Naked Diet cookbook.

The ‘Root To Fruit Banquet’ is at 7.30pm on Saturday 4th, priced at £50 per person.

Clean Eating Alice and Rhiannon Lambert, FH DISCUSSES

 Fare Healthy,biggest health and wellbeing event London this weekend, by

The huge personalities will be discussing how to fuel your fitness, with knowledge on how to train like a pro, and eat like one too. Clean Eating Alice is a personal trainer, but spent the majority of her formative years developing unhealthy habits. Now she has her first cookbook out, Eat Well Every Day, ditching diet myths. Rhiannon is a Harley Street Nutritionist, giving us food porn envy on Instagram, currently writing her first book.

13.00 – 13.45, Sunday 5th February

The Self Love Surgery

Here you will be able to book to have a complimentary 20 minute one on one consultation with one of Fare Healthy’s specialists, including Stephanie Reynolds, a Naturopathic Nutritional therapist, and Lydia McCall, an Eating Psychology Coach.

Have – a – go!

There will be masterclasses and workshops running throughout the weekend, from brands and chefs with great ideas. Such as:

Clean Beauty Co Superfood Face Mask Masterclass 16.00 – 16.45, Saturday 4th February.

Pip & Nut Energy Balls 16.00- 16.45, Sunday 5th February.

Jax Cocktail Masterclass 13.00 – 13.45, Saturday 4th February


You won’t be able to enter without a general admissions ticket, which is £25 for the whole day. With this ticket, you are able to get involved with Have- a- go, shopping, Fare Healthy Inspires and Fare Healthy Discusses, and much more. For a VIP ticket, £50 on either day, you get a free exercise session or main stage talk (on selected talks only), a goodybag and free drink. The exercise classes and Main Stage talks have tickets to buy from £9 on top of your ticket price.

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