Tired of being told to give up coffee? Then don’t. New research shows it could lower your risk of developing Type-2 diabetes by a staggering 25 per cent
382 million people in the world have diabetes, nearly 3 million of which live in the UK alone. The sad thing is that half of the people who have it don’t know they do, and this number is estimated to rise to 592 million worldwide by 2035.
However in a report published last week, there may be an easy way to reduce the risk of type 2 Diabetes. Believe it or not, epidemiological evidence shows that drinking three to four cups of coffee per day is associated with an approximate 25 per cent lowered risk of developing the condition. If you’re already a coffee drinker, each additional cup could reduce the relative risk by 7-8 per cent.
This research was published by the Institute for Scientific Information on Coffee, which we didn’t know existed either (and could be a little biased we admit). Coffee is thought to stimulate metabolism, increases energy expenditure, and also influence the glucose balance within the body.
Although both caf and decaf have can cause a decrease, one study showed that regular, caffeinated coffee was much more protective against type 2 diabetes in women of all ethnic groups than in men.
So get down to Starbucks now, but NOTE : a Venti Caramel Crème Frappucino won’t be doing you any favours.
To find out more about decrease your risk of type 2 Diabetes, see the International Diabetes Federation website.
Lydia Jones blogs at abitofwhatifancy.blogspot.co.uk
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